The .bbc file contains settings of the bottom boundary conditions. Normally it is included within the .swp file, but can also be excluded to a separate file.
For now, pySWAP does not include the option to create the .bbc file.
* Filename: swap.bbc
* Contents: SWAP 4 - Main input data
* Comment area:
* Testbank of SWAP: build with template of bbc-file
* Bottom boundary condition
* Select one of the following options:
SWBOTB = {{SWBOTB}} ! 1 Prescribe groundwater level
! 2 Prescribe bottom flux
! 3 Calculate bottom flux from hydraulic head of deep aquifer
! 4 Calculate bottom flux as function of groundwater level
! 5 Prescribe soil water pressure head of bottom compartment
! 6 Bottom flux equals zero
! 7 Free drainage of soil profile
! 8 Free outflow at soil-air interface
* Options 1-5 require additional bottom boundary data below
* In case of SWBOTB = 1, prescribe groundwater level
* specify DATE1 [date] and GWLEVEL [cm, -10000..1000, R]:
* End of table
* In case of SWBOTB = 2, prescribe bottom flux
* Specify whether a sinus function or a table are used for the bottom flux:
SW2 = {{SW2}} ! 1 = sinus function
! 2 = table
* In case of sinus function (SW2 = 1), specify:
SINAVE = {{SINAVE}} ! Average value of bottom flux [-10..10 cm/d, R, + = upwards]
SINAMP = {{SINAMP}} ! Amplitude of bottom flux sine function [-10..10 cm/d, R]
SINMAX = {{SINMAX}} ! Time of the year with maximum bottom flux [0..366 d, R]
* In case of table (SW2 = 2), specify date DATE2 [date] and bottom flux QBOT2 [-100..100 cm/d, R, positive = upwards]:
{{DATE2}} {{QBOT2}}
* End of table
* In case of SWBOTB = 3, calculate bottom flux from hydraulic head in deep aquifer
* Switch for vertical hydraulic resistance between bottom boundary and groundwater level
SWBOTB3RESVERT = {{SWBOTB3RESVERT}} ! 0 = Include vertical hydraulic resistance
! 1 = Suppress vertical hydraulic resistance
* Switch for numerical solution of bottom flux: 0 = explicit, 1 = implicit
SWBOTB3IMPL = {{SWBOTB3IMPL}} ! 0 = explicit solution (choose always when SHAPE < 1.0)
! 1 = implicit solution
* Specify:
SHAPE = {{SHAPE}} ! Shape factor to derive average groundwater level [0..1 -, R]
HDRAIN = {{HDRAIN}} ! Mean drain base to correct for average groundwater level [-10000..0 cm, R]
RIMLAY = {{RIMLAY}} ! Vertical resistance of aquitard [0..100000 d, R]
* Specify whether a sinus function or a table are used for the hydraulic head in the deep aquifer:
SW3 = {{SW3}} ! 1 = sinus function
! 2 = table
* In case of sinus function (SW3 = 1), specify:
AQAVE = {{AQAVE}} ! Average hydraulic head in underlaying aquifer [-10000..1000 cm, R]
AQAMP = {{AQAMP}} ! Amplitude hydraulic head sinus wave [0..1000 cm, R]
AQTMAX = {{AQTMAX}} ! First time of the year with maximum hydraulic head [0..366 d, R]
AQPER = {{AQPER}} ! Period hydraulic head sinus wave [0..366 d, I]
* In case of table (SW3 = 2), specify date DATE3 [date] and average pressure head in underlaying aquifer HAQUIF [-10000..1000 cm, R]:
{{DATE3}} {{HAQUIF}}
* End of table
* An extra groundwater flux can be specified which is added to above specified flux
SW4 = {{SW4}} ! 0 = no extra flux
! 1 = include extra flux
* If SW4 = 1, specify date DATE4 [date] and bottom flux QBOT4 [-100..100 cm/d, R]
* QTAB is positive when flux is upward:
{{DATE4}} {{QBOT4}}
* End of table
* In case of SWBOTB = 4, calculate bottom flux as function of groundwater level
* Specify whether an exponential relation or a table is used [1..2 -,I]:
SWQHBOT = {{SWQHBOT}} ! 1 = bottom flux is calculated with an exponential relation
! 2 = bottom flux is derived from a table
* In case of an exponential relation (SWQHBOT = 1),
* specify coefficients of relation qbot = A exp (B*abs(groundwater level))
COFQHA = {{COFQHA}} ! Coefficient A, [-100..100 cm/d, R]
COFQHB = {{COFQHB}} ! Coefficient B [-1..1 /cm, R]
* If SWQHBOT = 1, an extra flux can be added to the exponential relation
COFQHC = {{COFQHC}} ! Water flux (positive upward) in addition to flux from exponential relation [-10..10 cm/d, R]
* In case of a table (SWQHBOT = 2),
* specify groundwaterlevel HTAB [-10000..1000, cm, R] and bottom flux QTAB [-100..100 cm/d, R]
* HTAB is negative below the soil surface, QTAB is positive when flux is upward:
{{HTAB}} {{QTAB}}
* End of table
* In case of SWBOTB = 5, prescribe soil water pressure head of bottom compartment
* Specify date DATE5 [date] and bottom compartment pressure head HBOT5 [-1.d10..1000 cm, R]:
{{DATE5}} {{HBOT5}}
* End of table
* End of input file .BBC!