There are two types of drainage files: simple and extended. The templates can be found below.
Simple drainage¶
* Filename: swap.dra
* Contents: SWAP 4 - Input data for basic and extended drainage
* Comment area:
* Testbank of SWAP: build with template of dra-file
* Part 0: General
* Switch, method of lateral drainage calculation:
DRAMET = {{DRAMET}} ! 1 = Use table of drainage flux - groundwater level relation
! 2 = Use drainage formula of Hooghoudt or Ernst
! 3 = Use drainage/infiltration resistance, multi-level if needed
SWDIVD = {{SWDIVD}} ! Calculate vertical distribution of drainage flux in groundwater [Y=1, N=0]
* If SWDIVD = 1, specify anisotropy factor COFANI (horizontal/vertical saturated hydraulic
* conductivity) for each soil layer (maximum MAHO), [0.0001..1000 -, R]:
* Switch to adjust upper boundary of model discharge layer
SWDISLAY = 0 ! switch to adjust discharge layer [0,1,2, -, I]
* Part 1: Table of drainage flux - groundwater level relation (DRAMET = 1)
* If SWDIVD = 1, specify the drain spacing:
LM1 = {{LM1}} ! Drain spacing, [1..1000 m, R]
* Specify drainage flux QDRAIN [-100..1000 cm/d, R] as function of groundwater level GWL [-1000.0..10.0 cm, R]
* negative GWL is below soil surface; start with highest groundwater level; maximum of 25 records:
{{QDRAIN}} {{GWL}}
* End of table
* Part 2: Drainage formula of Hooghoudt or Ernst (DRAMET = 2)
* Drain characteristics:
LM2 = {{LM2}} ! Drain spacing, [1..1000 m, R]
SHAPE = {{SHAPE_DRA}} ! Shape factor to account for actual location between drain and water divide [0.0..1.0 -, R]
WETPER = {{WETPER}} ! Wet perimeter of the drain, [0..1000 cm, R]
ZBOTDR = {{ZBOTDR}} ! Level of drain bottom, [-1000..0 cm, R, neg. below soil surface]
ENTRES = {{ENTRES}} ! Drain entry resistance, [0..1000 d, R]
* Soil profile characteristics:
* Position of drain:
IPOS = {{IPOS}} ! 1 = On top of an impervious layer in a homogeneous profile
! 2 = Above an impervious layer in a homogeneous profile
! 3 = At the interface of a fine upper and a coarse lower soil layer
! 4 = In the lower, more coarse soil layer
! 5 = In the upper, more fine soil layer
* For all positions specify:
BASEGW = {{BASEGW}} ! Level of impervious layer, [-1d4..0 cm, R]
KHTOP = {{KHTOP}} ! Horizontal hydraulic conductivity top layer, [0..1000 cm/d, R]
* In addition, in case IPOS = 3
KHBOT = {{KHBOT}} ! horizontal hydraulic conductivity bottom layer, [0..1000 cm/d, R]
ZINTF = {{ZINTF}} ! Level of interface of fine and coarse soil layer, [-1d4..0 cm, R]
* In addition, in case IPOS = 4
KHBOT = {{KHBOT}} ! horizontal hydraulic conductivity bottom layer, [0..1000 cm/d, R]
ZINTF = {{ZINTF}} ! Level of interface of fine and coarse soil layer, [-1d4..0 cm, R]
KVTOP = {{KVTOP}} ! Vertical hydraulic conductivity top layer, [0..1000 cm/d, R]
KVBOT = {{KVBOT}} ! Vertical hydraulic conductivity bottom layer, [0..1000 cm/d, R]
* In addition, in case IPOS = 5
KHBOT = {{KHBOT}} ! horizontal hydraulic conductivity bottom layer, [0..1000 cm/d, R]
ZINTF = {{ZINTF}} ! Level of interface of fine and coarse soil layer, [-1d4..0 cm, R]
KVTOP = {{KVTOP}} ! Vertical hydraulic conductivity top layer, [0..1000 cm/d, R]
KVBOT = {{KVBOT}} ! Vertical hydraulic conductivity bottom layer, [0..1000 cm/d, R]
GEOFAC = {{GEOFAC}} ! Geometry factor of Ernst, [0..100 -, R]
* METHOD 3 - Part 3: Drainage and infiltration resistance (DRAMET = 3)
NRLEVS = {{NRLEVS}} ! Number of drainage levels, [1..5, I]
* Option for interflow in highest drainage level (shallow system with short residence time)
SWINTFL = {{SWINTFL}} ! Switch for interflow [0,1, I]
* If SWINTFL = 1, specify:
COFINTFLB = {{COFINTFLB}} ! Coefficient for interflow relation [0.01..10.0 d, R]
EXPINTFLB = {{EXPINTFLB}} ! Exponent for interflow relation [0.1..1.0 -, R]
* Switch to adjust the bottom of the model discharge layer in case of lateral interflow (SWDIVD=1).
* In case of SWTOPNRSRF=1) then the bottom of the highest order drainage system (ZBORDR(NUMDRAIN)) represents the max depth of the interflow.
SWTOPNRSRF = {{SWTOPNRSRF}} ! Switch to enable adjustment of model discharge layer [0,1, I]
* Part 3a: Drainage to level 1
DRARES1 = {{DRARES1}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES1 = {{INFRES1}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO1 = {{SWALLO1}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L1 = {{L1}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR1 = {{ZBOTDR1}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP1 = {{SWDTYP1}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL1 [date] and channel water level LEVEL1 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL1 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL1}} {{LEVEL1}}
* End of table
* Part 3a: Drainage to level 1
DRARES1 = {{DRARES1}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES1 = {{INFRES1}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO1 = {{SWALLO1}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L1 = {{L1}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR1 = {{ZBOTDR1}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP1 = {{SWDTYP1}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL1 [date] and channel water level LEVEL1 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL1 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL1}} {{LEVEL1}}
* End of table
* Part 3b: Drainage to level 2
DRARES2 = {{DRARES2}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES2 = {{INFRES2}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO2 = {{SWALLO2}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L2 = {{L2}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR2 = {{ZBOTDR2}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP2 = {{SWDTYP2}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL2 [date] and channel water level LEVEL2 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL2 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL2}} {{LEVEL2}}
* End of table
* Part 3a: Drainage to level 1
DRARES1 = {{DRARES1}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES1 = {{INFRES1}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO1 = {{SWALLO1}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L1 = {{L1}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR1 = {{ZBOTDR1}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP1 = {{SWDTYP1}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL1 [date] and channel water level LEVEL1 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL1 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL1}} {{LEVEL1}}
* End of table
* Part 3b: Drainage to level 2
DRARES2 = {{DRARES2}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES2 = {{INFRES2}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO2 = {{SWALLO2}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L2 = {{L2}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR2 = {{ZBOTDR2}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP2 = {{SWDTYP2}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL2 [date] and channel water level LEVEL2 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL2 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL2}} {{LEVEL2}}
* End of table
* Part 3c: Drainage to level 3
DRARES3 = {{DRARES3}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES3 = {{INFRES3}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO3 = {{SWALLO3}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L3 = {{L3}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR3 = {{ZBOTDR3}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP3 = {{SWDTYP3}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL3 [date] and channel water level LEVEL3 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL3 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL3}} {{LEVEL3}}
* End of table
* Part 3a: Drainage to level 1
DRARES1 = {{DRARES1}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES1 = {{INFRES1}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO1 = {{SWALLO1}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L1 = {{L1}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR1 = {{ZBOTDR1}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP1 = {{SWDTYP1}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL1 [date] and channel water level LEVEL1 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL1 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL1}} {{LEVEL1}}
* End of table
* Part 3b: Drainage to level 2
DRARES2 = {{DRARES2}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES2 = {{INFRES2}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO2 = {{SWALLO2}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L2 = {{L2}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR2 = {{ZBOTDR2}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP2 = {{SWDTYP2}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL2 [date] and channel water level LEVEL2 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL2 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL2}} {{LEVEL2}}
* End of table
* Part 3c: Drainage to level 3
DRARES3 = {{DRARES3}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES3 = {{INFRES3}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO3 = {{SWALLO3}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L3 = {{L3}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR3 = {{ZBOTDR3}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP3 = {{SWDTYP3}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL3 [date] and channel water level LEVEL3 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL3 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL3}} {{LEVEL3}}
* End of table
* Part 3d: Drainage to level 4
DRARES4 = {{DRARES4}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES4 = {{INFRES4}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO4 = {{SWALLO4}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L4 = {{L4}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR4 = {{ZBOTDR4}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP4 = {{SWDTYP4}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL4 [date] and channel water level LEVEL4 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL4 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL4}} {{LEVEL4}}
* End of table
* Part 3a: Drainage to level 1
DRARES1 = {{DRARES1}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES1 = {{INFRES1}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO1 = {{SWALLO1}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L1 = {{L1}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR1 = {{ZBOTDR1}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP1 = {{SWDTYP1}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL1 [date] and channel water level LEVEL1 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL1 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL1}} {{LEVEL1}}
* End of table
* Part 3b: Drainage to level 2
DRARES2 = {{DRARES2}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES2 = {{INFRES2}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO2 = {{SWALLO2}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L2 = {{L2}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR2 = {{ZBOTDR2}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP2 = {{SWDTYP2}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL2 [date] and channel water level LEVEL2 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL2 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL2}} {{LEVEL2}}
* End of table
* Part 3c: Drainage to level 3
DRARES3 = {{DRARES3}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES3 = {{INFRES3}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO3 = {{SWALLO3}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L3 = {{L3}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR3 = {{ZBOTDR3}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP3 = {{SWDTYP3}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL3 [date] and channel water level LEVEL3 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL3 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL3}} {{LEVEL3}}
* End of table
* Part 3d: Drainage to level 4
DRARES4 = {{DRARES4}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES4 = {{INFRES4}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO4 = {{SWALLO4}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L4 = {{L4}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR4 = {{ZBOTDR4}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP4 = {{SWDTYP4}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL4 [date] and channel water level LEVEL4 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL4 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL4}} {{LEVEL4}}
* End of table
* Part 3e: Drainage to level 5
DRARES5 = {{DRARES5}} ! Drainage resistance, [10..1d5 d, R]
INFRES5 = {{INFRES5}} ! Infiltration resistance, [0..1d5 d, R]
* Switch, for allowance drainage/infiltration:
SWALLO5 = {{SWALLO5}} ! 1 = Drainage and infiltration are both allowed
! 2 = Drainage is not allowed
! 3 = Infiltration is not allowed
* If SWDIVD = 1 (drainage flux vertically distributed), specify the drain spacing:
L5 = {{L5}} ! Drain spacing, [1..100000 m, R]
ZBOTDR5 = {{ZBOTDR5}} ! Level of drainage medium bottom, [-10000..0 cm, R]
SWDTYP5 = {{SWDTYP5}} ! Type of drainage medium: 1 = drain tube, 2 = open channel
* Specify date DATOWL5 [date] and channel water level LEVEL5 [-10000..200, cm, R]
* LEVEL5 is negative if below soil surface; maximum MAOWL records:
{{DATOWL5}} {{LEVEL5}}
* End of table
* End of .dra file!
Extended drainage¶
* Filename: swap.dra
* Contents: SWAP 4 - Input data for basic and extended drainage
* Comment area:
* Testbank of SWAP: build with template of dra-file
* Part 0: General
SWDIVD = {{SWDIVD}} ! Calculate vertical distribution of drainage flux in groundwater [Y=1, N=0]
* If SWDIVD = 1, specify anisotropy factor COFANI (horizontal/vertical saturated hydraulic
* conductivity) for each soil layer (maximum MAHO), [0.0001..1000 -, R]:
* Switch to adjust upper boundary of model discharge layer
SWDISLAY = 0 ! switch to adjust discharge layer [0,1,2, -, I]
* Part 0: Reference level
ALTCU = 0.0 ! Altitude of the control unit relative to reference level [-300000..300000 cm, R]
* Part 1: drainage characteristics
NRSRF = {{NRSRF}} ! number of subsurface drainage levels [1..5, I]
* Table with physical characteristics of each subsurface drainage level:
* Variables RENTRY, REXIT, WIDTHR and TALUDR must have realistic values when the type of drainage medium is open
* LEVEL = Drainage level number [1..NRSRF, I]
* SWDTYP = Type of drainage medium [open=0, closed=1]
* L = Spacing between channels/drains [1..100000 m, R]
* ZBOTDRE = Altitude of bottom of channel or drain [ALTCU-1000..ALTCU-0.01 cm,R]
* GWLINF = Groundwater level for maximum infiltration [-1000..0 cm rel. to soil surf., R]
* RDRAIN = Drainage resistance [1..100000 d, R]
* RINFI = Infiltration resistance [1..100000 d, R]
* RENTRY = Entry resistance [0..100 d, R]
* REXIT = Exit resistance [0..100 d, R]
* WIDTHR = Bottom width of channel [0..10000 cm, R]
* TALUDR = Side-slope (dh/dw) of channel [0.01..5, R]
* End of table
* Switch to introduce rapid subsurface drainage [0..2, I]
SWNRSRF = {{SWNRSRF}} ! 0 = No rapid drainage
! 1 = Rapid drainage in the highest drainage system (implies adjustment of RDRAIN of highest drainage system)
! 2 = Rapid drainage as interflow according to a power relation (implies adjustment of RDRAIN of highest drainage system)
* In case of SWRNSRF=1, specify rapid drainage
RSURFDEEP = {{RSURFDEEP}} ! Maximum resistance of rapid subsurface drainage [0.001..1000.0 d, R]
RSURFSHALLOW = {{RSURFSHALLOW}} ! Minimum resistance of rapid subsurface drainage [0.001..1000.0 d, R]
* In case of SWRNSRF=2, specify coefficients of power function
COFINTFL = {{COFINTFL}} ! Coefficient of interflow relation [0.01..10.0 d-1, R]
EXPINTFL = {{EXPINTFL}} ! Exponent of interflow relation [0.1...1.0 -, R]
* Switch to adjust the bottom of the model discharge layer in case of lateral (SWDIVD=1) interflow or rapid drainage (SWNRSRF=1 or SWNRSRF=2).
* In case of SWTOPNRSRF=1) then the bottom of the highest order drainage system (ZBORDR(NUMDRAIN)) represents the max depth of the interflow.
SWTOPNRSRF = {{SWTOPNRSRF}} ! Switch to enable adjustment of model discharge layer [0,1, I]
* Part 2: Specification and control of surface water system
* Switch for interaction with surface water system [1..3, I]
SWSRF = {{SWSRF}} ! 1 = No interaction with surface water system
! 2 = Surface water system is simulated with no separate primary system
! 3 = Surface water system is simulated with separate primary system
* If SWSRF=2, specify option for surface water level of secondary system [1..2, I]
SWSEC = {{SWSEC}} ! 1 = Surface water level is input
! 2 = Surface water level is simulated
* Water level in secondary water course [ALTCU-1000..ALTCU-0.01 cm, R] as function of DATE2 [dd-mmm-yyyy]
{{DATE2}} {{WLS}}
* End of table
* Miscellaneous parameters
WLACT = {{WLACT}} ! Initial surface water level [ALTCU-1000..ALTCU cm,R]
OSSWLM = {{OSSWLM}} ! Criterium for warning about oscillation [0..10 cm, R]
* Management of surface water levels
NMPER = {{NMPER}} ! Number of management periods [1..3660, I]
* For each management period specify:
* IMPER = Index of management period [1..NMPER, I]
* IMPEND = Date that period ends [dd-mm-yyyy]
* SWMAN = Type of water management 1 = fixed weir crest (see part 4c and 4d) 2 = automatic weir (see part 4e) [1..2, I]
* WSCAP = Surface water supply capacity [0..100 cm/d, R]
* WLDIP = Allowed dip of surface water level before starting supply [0..100 cm, R]
* INTWL = Length of water-level adjustment period (SWMAN=2 only) [1..31 d, I]
* End of table
* Switch for type of discharge relationship [1..2, I]
SWQHR = {{SWQHR}} ! 1 = Exponential relationship
! 2 = Table
* If SWQHR=1, specify:
SOFCU = {{SOFCU}} ! Size of the control unit [0.1..100000.0 ha, R]
* If SWQHR=1, specify exponential discharge relation for all periods:
* IMPER = Index of management period [1..NMPER, I]
* HBWEIR = Weir crest; levels above soil surface are allowed, but simulated surface water levels should remain below 100 cm above soil surface;
* the crest must be higher than the deepest channel bottom of the secondary system (ZBOTDR(1 or 2), [ALTCU-ZBOTDR..ALTCU+100 cm,R].
* If SWMAN=2, HBWEIR represents the lowest possible weir position.
* ALPHAW = Alpha-coefficient of discharge formula [0.1..50.0, R]
* BETAW = Beta-coefficient of discharge formula [0.5..3.0, R]
* End of table
* If SWQHR=2, specify table discharge relation:
* IMPER = Index of management period [1..NMPER, I]
* IMPTAB = Index per management period [1..10, I]
* HTAB = Surface water level [ALTCU-1000..ALTCU+100 cm, R] (first value for each period = ALTCU + 100 cm)
* QTAB = Discharge [0..500 cm/d, R] (should go down to a value of zero at a level that is higher than the deepest channel bottom of secondary surface water system)
{{IMPER_4D}} {{IMPTAB}} {{HTAB}} {{QTAB}}
* End of table
* If SWSRF=3, specify water levels in the primary system [max. = 52]
* No levels above soil surface for primary system
* Water level in primary water course [ALTCU-1000..ALTCU-0.01 cm, R] as function of DATE1 [date]
{{DATE1}} {{WLP}}
* End of table
* If SWSRF=3, specify option for surface water level of secondary system [1..2, I]
SWSEC = {{SWSEC}} ! 1 = Surface water level is input
! 2 = Surface water level is simulated
* Water level in secondary water course [ALTCU-1000..ALTCU-0.01 cm, R] as function of DATE2 [dd-mmm-yyyy]
{{DATE2}} {{WLS}}
* End of table
* Miscellaneous parameters
WLACT = {{WLACT}} ! Initial surface water level [ALTCU-1000..ALTCU cm,R]
OSSWLM = {{OSSWLM}} ! Criterium for warning about oscillation [0..10 cm, R]
* Management of surface water levels
NMPER = {{NMPER}} ! Number of management periods [1..3660, I]
* For each management period specify:
* IMPER = Index of management period [1..NMPER, I]
* IMPEND = Date that period ends [dd-mm-yyyy]
* SWMAN = Type of water management 1 = fixed weir crest (see part 4c and 4d) 2 = automatic weir (see part 4e) [1..2, I]
* WSCAP = Surface water supply capacity [0..100 cm/d, R]
* WLDIP = Allowed dip of surface water level before starting supply [0..100 cm, R]
* INTWL = Length of water-level adjustment period (SWMAN=2 only) [1..31 d, I]
* End of table
* Switch for type of discharge relationship [1..2, I]
SWQHR = {{SWQHR}} ! 1 = Exponential relationship
! 2 = Table
* If SWQHR=1, specify:
SOFCU = {{SOFCU}} ! Size of the control unit [0.1..100000.0 ha, R]
* If SWQHR=1, specify exponential discharge relation for all periods:
* IMPER = Index of management period [1..NMPER, I]
* HBWEIR = Weir crest; levels above soil surface are allowed, but simulated surface water levels should remain below 100 cm above soil surface;
* the crest must be higher than the deepest channel bottom of the secondary system (ZBOTDR(1 or 2), [ALTCU-ZBOTDR..ALTCU+100 cm,R].
* If SWMAN=2, HBWEIR represents the lowest possible weir position.
* ALPHAW = Alpha-coefficient of discharge formula [0.1..50.0, R]
* BETAW = Beta-coefficient of discharge formula [0.5..3.0, R]
* End of table
* If SWQHR=2, specify table discharge relation:
* IMPER = Index of management period [1..NMPER, I]
* IMPTAB = Index per management period [1..10, I]
* HTAB = Surface water level [ALTCU-1000..ALTCU+100 cm, R] (first value for each period = ALTCU + 100 cm)
* QTAB = Discharge [0..500 cm/d, R] (should go down to a value of zero at a level that is higher than the deepest channel bottom of secondary surface water system)
{{IMPER_4D}} {{IMPTAB}} {{HTAB}} {{QTAB}}
* End of table
* End of .dra file!