In swap there are three implementation of a crop module: simple (fixed) crop, WOFOST implementation and a dynamic grass growth. Each requires slightly different set of variables. Below are the templates of the .crp files.
Simple (fixed) crop¶
* Contents: SWAP 4 - Crop data (fixed crop)
* Comment area:
* Testbank of SWAP: build with template of crp-file
* Part 0 : Preparation, Sowing, Germination and Harvest
* Part 0a: Preparation before crop growth
* Switch for preparation:
SWPREP = {{SWPREP}} ! 0 = No preparation
! 1 = Preparation before start of crop growth
* If SWPREP = 1, specify:
ZPREP = {{ZPREP}} ! Z-level for monitoring work-ability for the crop [-100..0 cm, R]
HPREP = {{HPREP}} ! Maximum pressure head during preparation [-200..0 cm, R]
MAXPREPDELAY = {{MAXPREPDELAY}} ! Maximum delay of preparation from start of growing season [1..366 d, I]
* Part 0b: Sowing
* Switch for sowing:
SWSOW = {{SWSOW}} ! 0 = No sowing
! 1 = Sowing before start of crop growth
* If SWSOW = 1, specify:
ZSOW = {{ZSOW}} ! Z-level for monitoring work-ability for the crop [-100..0 cm, R]
HSOW = {{HSOW}} ! Maximum pressure head during sowing [-200..0 cm, R]
ZTEMPSOW = {{ZTEMPSOW}} ! Z-level for monitoring temperature for sowing [-100..0 cm, R]
TEMPSOW = {{TEMPSOW}} ! Soil temperature needed for sowing [0..30 oC, R]
MAXSOWDELAY = {{MAXSOWDELAY}} ! Maximum delay of sowing from start of growing season [1..366 d, I]
* Part 0c: Germination
* Switch for germination:
SWGERM = {{SWGERM}} ! 0 = No germination
! 1 = Simulate germination depending on temperature
! 2 = Simulate germination depending on temperature and hydrological conditions
* If SWGERM = 1, specify:
TSUMEMEOPT = {{TSUMEMEOPT}} ! Temperature sum needed for crop emergence [0..1000 oC, R]
TBASEM = {{TBASEM}} ! Minimum temperature, used for germination trajectory [0..40 oC, R]
TEFFMX = {{TEFFMX}} ! Maximum temperature, used for germination trajectory [0..40 oC, R]
* If SWGERM = 1, specify:
TSUMEMEOPT = {{TSUMEMEOPT}} ! Temperature sum needed for crop emergence [0..1000 oC, R]
TBASEM = {{TBASEM}} ! Minimum temperature, used for germination trajectory [0..40 oC, R]
TEFFMX = {{TEFFMX}} ! Maximum temperature, used for germination trajectory [0..40 oC, R]
HDRYGERM = {{HDRYGERM}} ! Pressure head rootzone for dry germination trajectory [-1000..-0.01 cm, R]
HWETGERM = {{HWETGERM}} ! Pressure head rootzone for wet germination trajectory [-100..-0.01 cm, R]
ZGERM = {{ZGERM}} ! Z-level for monitoring average pressure head [-100..0 cm, R]
AGERM = {{AGERM}} ! A-coefficient Eq. 24/25 Feddes & Van Wijk [1..1000, R]
* Part 0d: Harvest
DVSEND = {{DVSEND}} ! Development stage at harvest [0..3 -, R]
* Switch to check work-ability during harvest:
SWHARV = {{SWHARV}} ! 0 = Timing of harvest depends on end of growing period (CROPEND)
! 1 = Timing of harvest depends on development stage (DVSEND)
* Part 1: Crop development
* Duration of crop growing period:
IDEV = {{IDEV}} ! 1 = Duration is fixed
! 2 = Duration is variable
* If duration is fixed (IDEV = 1), specify:
LCC = {{LCC}} ! Duration of the crop growing period [1..366 days, I]
* If duration is variable (IDEV = 2), specify:
TSUMEA = {{TSUMEA}} ! Temperature sum from emergence to anthesis [0..1d4 oC, R]
TSUMAM = {{TSUMAM}} ! Temperature sum from anthesis to maturity [0..1d4 oC, R]
TBASE = {{TBASE}} ! Start value of temperature sum [-10..30 0C, R]
* Part 2: Light extinction
KDIF = {{KDIF}} ! Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible light [0..2 -, R]
KDIR = {{KDIR}} ! Extinction coefficient for direct visible light [0..2 -, R]
* Part 3: Leaf area index or soil cover fraction
* Choose between LAI or SCF:
SWGC = {{SWGC}} ! 1 = Leaf Area Index
! 2 = Soil Cover Fraction
* If SWGC = 1, list Leaf Area Index [0..12 (m2 leaf)/(m2 soil), R], as function of dev. stage [0..2 -, R]:
{{DVS}} {{LAI}}
* If SWGC = 2, list Soil Cover Fraction [0..1 (m2 cover)/(m2 soil), R], as function of dev. stage [0..2 -, R]:
{{DVS}} {{SCF}}
* End of table
* Part 4: crop factor or crop height
* Choose between crop factor and crop height
* Choose crop factor if ETref is used, either from meteo input file (SWETR = 1) or with Penman-Monteith
* Choose crop height if Penman-Monteith should be used with actual crop height, albedo and canopy resistance
SWCF = {{SWCF}} ! 1 = Crop factor
! 2 = Crop height
* If SWCF = 1, list Crop Factor [0..2 -, R], as function of dev. stage [0..2 -, R]:
{{DVS}} {{CF}}
* If SWCF = 2, list Crop Height [0..1.d4 cm, R], as function of dev. stage [0..2 -, R]:
{{DVS}} {{CH}}
* End of table
* If SWCF = 2, in addition to crop height list crop specific values for:
ALBEDO = {{ALBEDO}} ! Crop reflection coefficient [0..1.0 -, R]
RSC = {{RSC}} ! Minimum canopy resistance [0..1d6 s/m, R]
RSW = {{RSW}} ! Canopy resistance of intercepted water [0..1d6 s/m, R]
* Part 10: Root growth and root density profile
* Switch development of root growth
SWRD = {{SWRD}} ! 1 = Root growth depends on development stage
! 2 = Root growth depends on maximum daily increase
! 3 = Root growth depends on available root biomass
* If case of dependency development stage (SWRD=1), specify:
* List Rooting Depth [0..1000 cm, R], as a function of development stage [0..2 -, R]:
{{DVS}} {{RD}}
* End of table
* If case of dependency maximum daily increase (SWRD=2), specify:
RDI = {{RDI}} ! Initial rooting depth [0..1000 cm, R]
RRI = {{RRI}} ! Maximum daily increase in rooting depth [0..100 cm/d, R]
RDC = {{RDC}} ! Maximum rooting depth of particular crop [0..1000 cm, R]
* Switch for calculation rooting depth:
SWDMI2RD = {{SWDMI2RD}} ! 0 = Rooting depth increase is related to availability assimilates for roots
! 1 = Rooting depth increase is related to relative dry matter increase
* In case of dependency available root biomass (SWRD=3), specify:
* List rooting depth [0..5000 cm, R] as function of root weight [0..5000 kg DM/ha, R]:
{{RW}} {{RD}}
* End of table
WRTMAX = {{WRTMAX}} ! Maximum root weight [0..1d5 kg DM/ha, R]
* Always specify:
* Switch for calculation of relative root density (default SWRDC = 1):
SWRDC = {{SWRDC}} ! 0 = Root density is not modified
! 1 = Root density is modified based on root water extraction
* List root density [0..100 cm/cm3, R] as function of relative rooting depth [0..1 -, R]:
* In case of drought stress according to Feddes et al. (1978) (SWDROUGHT = 1), relative root density (-) is sufficient
{{RRD}} {{RDENS}}
* End of table
* Part 11: Oxygen stress
* Switch for oxygen stress:
SWOXYGEN = {{SWOXYGEN}} ! 0 = No oxygen stress
! 1 = Oxygen stress according to Feddes et al. (1978)
! 2 = Oxygen stress according to Bartholomeus et al. (2008)
* Switch for checking aerobic conditions in root zone to stop root(zone) development
SWWRTNONOX = {{SWWRTNONOX}} ! 0 = Do not check for aerobic conditions
! 1 = Check for aerobic conditions
AERATECRIT = {{AERATECRIT}} ! Threshold to stop root extension in case of oxygenstress; 0.0 maximum oxygen stress [0.0001..1.0 -, R]
* If SWOXYGEN=1, specify:
HLIM1 = {{HLIM1}} ! No water extraction at higher pressure heads [-100..100 cm, R]
HLIM2U = {{HLIM2U}} ! H below which optimum water extr. starts for top layer [-1000..100 cm, R]
HLIM2L = {{HLIM2L}} ! H below which optimum water extr. starts for sub layer [-1000..100 cm, R]
* If SWOXYGEN=2, specify:
Q10_MICROBIAL = {{Q10_MICROBIAL}} ! Relative increase in microbial respiration at temperature increase of 10 C [1.0..4.0 -, R]
SPECIFIC_RESP_HUMUS = {{SPECIFIC_RESP_HUMUS}} ! Respiration rate of humus at 25 C [0.0..1.0 kg O2/kg C/d, R]
SRL = {{SRL}} ! Specific root length [0.0..1.d10 m root/kg root, R]
* Switch for calculation of root radius:
SWROOTRADIUS = {{SWROOTRADIUS}} ! 1 = Calculate root radius
! 2 = Root radius is given in input file
* If SWROOTRADIUS=1, specify:
DRY_MAT_CONT_ROOTS = {{DRY_MAT_CONT_ROOTS}} ! Dry matter content of roots [0.0..1.0 -, R]
AIR_FILLED_ROOT_POR = {{AIR_FILLED_ROOT_POR}} ! Air filled root porosity [0.0..1.0 -, R]
SPEC_WEIGHT_ROOT_TISSUE = {{SPEC_WEIGHT_ROOT_TISSUE}} ! Specific weight of non-airfilled root tissue [0.0..1.d5 kg root/m3 root, R]
VAR_A = {{VAR_A}} ! Variance of root radius [0.0..1.0 -, R]
* If SWROOTRADIUS=2, specify:
ROOT_RADIUSO2 = {{ROOT_RADIUSO2}} ! Root radius for oxygen stress module [1d-6..0.1 m, R]
* If CROPTYPE=1 and SWOXYGEN=2 growth, specify:
Q10_ROOT = {{Q10_ROOT}} ! Relative increase in root respiration at temperature increase of 10 oC [1.0..4.0 -, R]
F_SENES = {{F_SENES}} ! Reduction factor for senescence, used for maintenance respiration [0..1.0 -, R]
C_MROOT = {{C_MROOT}} ! Maintenance coefficient of root [0.0..1.0 kg O2/kg/d, R]
* Ratio root total respiration / maintenance respiration [1..5.0 -, R]
* End of table
* List dry weight of roots at soil surface [0..10 kg/m3, R], as a function of development stage [0..2 -,R]:
{{DVS}} {{W_ROOT_SS}}
* End of table
* Part 12: Drought stress
* Switch for drought stress:
SWDROUGHT = {{SWDROUGHT}} ! 1 = Drought stress according to Feddes et al. (1978)
! 2 = Drought stress according to De Jong van Lier et al. (2008)
* If SWDROUGHT=1, or in case of irrigation scheduling (SCHEDULE = 1), specify:
HLIM3H = {{HLIM3H}} ! Pressure head below which water uptake reduction starts at high Tpot [-1d4..100 cm, R]
HLIM3L = {{HLIM3L}} ! Pressure head below which water uptake reduction starts at low Tpot [-1d4..100 cm, R]
HLIM4 = {{HLIM4}} ! No water extraction at lower soil water pressure heads [-1.6d4..100 cm, R]
ADCRH = {{ADCRH}} ! Level of high atmospheric demand, corresponding to HLIM3H [0..5 cm/d, R]
ADCRL = {{ADCRL}} ! Level of low atmospheric demand, corresponding to HLIM3L [0..5 cm/d, R]
* If SWDROUGHT=2, specify:
WILTPOINT = {{WILTPOINT}} ! Minimum pressure head in leaves [-1d8..-1d2 cm, R]
KSTEM = {{KSTEM}} ! Hydraulic conductance between leaf and root xylem [1d-10..10 /d, R]
RXYLEM = {{RXYLEM}} ! Xylem radius [1d-4..1 cm, R]
ROOTRADIUS = {{ROOTRADIUS}} ! Root radius [1d-4..1 cm, R]
KROOT = {{KROOT}} ! Radial hydraulic conductivity of root tissue [1d-10..1d10 cm/d, R]
ROOTCOEFA = {{ROOTCOEFA}} ! Defines relative distance between roots at which mean soil water content occurs [0..1 -, R]
SWHYDRLIFT = {{SWHYDRLIFT}} ! Switch for possibility hydraulic lift in root system [N=0, Y=1]
ROOTEFF = {{ROOTEFF}} ! Root system efficiency factor [0..1 -, R]
STEPHR = {{STEPHR}} ! Step between values of hroot and hxylem in iteration cycle [0..10 cm, R]
CRITERHR = {{CRITERHR}} ! Maximum difference of Hroot between iterations; convergence criterium [0..10 cm, R]
TACCUR = {{TACCUR}} ! Maximum absolute difference between simulated and calculated potential transpiration rate (1d-5..1d-2 cm/d, R)
* Part 13: salt stress
* Switch salinity stress
SWSALINITY = {{SWSALINITY}} ! 0 = No salinity stress
! 1 = Maas and Hoffman reduction function
! 2 = Use osmotic head
* If SWSALINITY = 1, specify threshold and slope of Maas and Hoffman
SALTMAX = {{SALTMAX}} ! Threshold salt concentration in soil water [0..100 mg/cm3, R]
SALTSLOPE = {{SALTSLOPE}} ! Decline of root water uptake above threshold [0..1.0 cm3/mg, R]
* If SWSALINITY = 2, specify:
SALTHEAD = {{SALTHEAD}} ! Conversion factor salt concentration (mg/cm3) into osmotic head (cm) [0..1000 cm/(mg/cm3), R]
* Part xx: compensation of root water uptake stress
* Switch for compensation root water uptake stress
SWCOMPENSATE = {{SWCOMPENSATE}} ! 0 = No compensation
! 1 = Compensation according to Jarvis (1989)
! 2 = Compensation according to Walsum (2019)
* Switch for selection of stressors to compensate
SWSTRESSOR = {{SWSTRESSOR}} ! 1 = Compensation of all stressors
! 2 = Compensation of drought stress
! 3 = Compensation of oxygen stress
! 4 = Compensation of salinity stress
! 5 = Compensation of frost stress
* If SWCOMPENSATE = 1, specify:
ALPHACRIT = {{ALPHACRIT}} ! Critical stress index for compensation of root water uptake [0.2..1 -, R]
* Switch for selection of stressors to compensate
SWSTRESSOR = {{SWSTRESSOR}} ! 1 = Compensation of all stressors
! 2 = Compensation of drought stress
! 3 = Compensation of oxygen stress
! 4 = Compensation of salinity stress
! 5 = Compensation of frost stress
* If SWCOMPENSATE = 2, specify:
DCRITRTZ = {{DCRITRTZ}} ! Threshold of rootzone thickness after which compensation occurs [0.02..100 cm, R]
* Part 14: interception
* For agricultural crops apply interception concept of Von Hoyningen-Hune and Braden
* Switch for rainfall interception method:
SWINTER = {{SWINTER}} ! 0 = No interception calculated
! 1 = Agricultural crops (Von Hoyningen-Hune and Braden)
! 2 = Trees and forests (Gash)
* In case of agricultural crops (SWINTER=1) specify:
COFAB = {{COFAB}} ! Interception coefficient, corresponding to maximum interception amount [0..1 cm, R]
* In case of closed forest canopies (SWINTER=2), specify as function of time T [0..366 d, R]:
* PFREE = Free throughfall coefficient [0..1 -, R]
* PSTEM = Stem flow coefficient [0..1 -, R]
* SCANOPY = Storage capacity of canopy [0..10 cm, R]
* AVPREC = Average rainfall intensity [0..100 cm/d, R]
* AVEVAP = Average evaporation intensity during rainfall from a wet canopy [0..10 cm/d, R]
* End of table
* Part 1: General
SCHEDULE = {{SCHEDULE}} ! Switch for application irrigation scheduling [Y=1, N=0]
* If SCHEDULE = 1, specify:
STARTIRR = {{STARTIRR}} ! Specify day and month at which irrigation scheduling starts [dd mm]
ENDIRR = {{ENDIRR}} ! Specify day and month at which irrigation scheduling stops [dd mm]
CIRRS = {{CIRRS}} ! Solute concentration of irrigation water [0..100 mg/cm3, R]
* Switch for type of irrigation method:
ISUAS = {{ISUAS}} ! 0 = Sprinkling irrigation
! 1 = Surface irrigation
* Part 2: Irrigation time criteria
* Choose one of the following timing criteria options [1..6 -, I]:
TCS = {{TCS}} ! 1 = Ratio actual/potential transpiration
! 2 = Depletion of Readily Available Water
! 3 = Depletion of Totally Available Water
! 4 = Depletion of absolute Water Amount
! 6 = Fixed weekly irrigation
! 7 = Pressure head
! 8 = Moisture content
* Ratio actual/potential transpiration (TCS = 1)
* Specify mimimum of ratio actual/potential transpiration TREL [0..1 -, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC1}} {{TREL}}
* End of table
* Depletion of Readily Available Water (TCS = 2)
* Specify minimum fraction of readily available water RAW [0..1 -, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC2}} {{RAW}}
* End of table
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Depletion of Totally Available Water (TCS = 3)
* Specify minimal fraction of totally available water TAW [0..1 -, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC3}} {{TAW}}
* End of table
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Depletion of absolute Water Amount (TCS = 4)
* Specify maximum amount of water depleted below field capacity DWA [0..500 mm, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC4}} {{DWA}}
* End of table
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Fixed weekly irrigation (TCS = 6)
* Only irrigate when soil water deficit in root zone is larger than threshold
IRGTHRESHOLD = {{IRGTHRESHOLD}} ! Threshold value for weekly irrigation [0..20 mm, R]
* Pressure head (TCS = 7)
* Specify critical pressure head [-1d6..-100 cm, R] as function of crop development stage:
{{DVS_TC7}} {{HCRI}}
* End of table
DCRIT = {{DCRIT}} ! Depth of the sensor [-100..0 cm, R]
* In case TCS = 7, over-irrigation can be applied if the salinity concentration exceeds a threshold salinity
* Switch for over-irrigation:
SWCIRRTHRES = {{SWCIRRTHRES}} ! 0 = No over-irrigation
! 1 = Apply over-irrigation
* If SWCIRRTHRES = 1, specify:
CIRRTHRES = {{CIRRTHRES}} ! Threshold salinity concentration above which over-irrigation occurs [0..100 mg/cm3, R]
PERIRRSURP = {{PERIRRSURP}} ! Over-irrigation of the usually scheduled irrigation depth [0..100 %, R]
* Moisture content (TCS = 8)
* Specify critical moisture content [0..1 cm3/cm3, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC8}} {{TCRI}}
* End of table
DCRIT = {{DCRIT}} ! Depth of the sensor [-100..0 cm, R]
* In case TCS = 8, over-irrigation can be applied if the salinity concentration exceeds a threshold salinity
* Switch for over-irrigation:
SWCIRRTHRES = {{SWCIRRTHRES}} ! 0 = No over-irrigation
! 1 = Apply over-irrigation
* If SWCIRRTHRES = 1, specify:
CIRRTHRES = {{CIRRTHRES}} ! Threshold salinity concentration above which over-irrigation occurs [0..100 mg/cm3, R]
PERIRRSURP = {{PERIRRSURP}} ! Over-irrigation of the usually scheduled irrigation depth [0..100 %, R]
* Switch for minimum time interval between irrigation applications
TCSFIX = {{TCSFIX}} ! 0 = No minimum time interval
! 1 = Define minimum time interval
* If TCSFIX = 1, specify:
IRGDAYFIX = {{IRGDAYFIX}} ! Minimum number of days between irrigation applications [1..366 d, I]
* Part 3: Irrigation depth criteria
* Choose one of the following two options for irrigation depth:
DCS = {{DCS}} ! 1 = Back to field capacity
! 2 = Fixed Irrigation Depth
* Specify pressure head at field capacity
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Specify pressure head at field capacity
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Specify pressure head at field capacity
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Specify pressure head at field capacity
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Specify amount of under (-) or over (+) irrigation DI [-100..100 mm, R] as function of crop development stage [0..2, R]:
{{DVS_DC1}} {{DI}}
* End of table
RAITHRESHOLD = {{RAITHRESHOLD}} ! When rainfall exceeds RAITHRESHOLD, DI is added to back to field capacity [0..1000 cm, R]
* Specify fixed irrigation depth FID [0..400 mm, R] as function of crop development stage [0..2, R]:
{{DVS_DC2}} {{FID}}
* End of table
* Select minimum and maximum of irrigation depths:
DCSLIM = {{DCSLIM}} ! Switch, limit range irrigation depth [Y=1, N=0]
* If DCSLIM = 1, specify:
IRGDEPMIN = {{IRGDEPMIN}} ! Minimum irrigation depth [0..100 mm, I]
IRGDEPMAX = {{IRGDEPMAX}} ! Maximum irrigation depth [IRGDEPMIN..1d7 mm, I]
* End of .crp file !
WOFOST crop¶
* Contents: SWAP 4 - Crop data (WOFOST)
* Comment area:
* Testbank of SWAP: build with template of crp-file
* Part 0 : Preparation, Sowing, Germination and Harvest
* Part 0a: Preparation before crop growth
* Switch for preparation:
SWPREP = {{SWPREP}} ! 0 = No preparation
! 1 = Preparation before start of crop growth
* If SWPREP = 1, specify:
ZPREP = {{ZPREP}} ! Z-level for monitoring work-ability for the crop [-100..0 cm, R]
HPREP = {{HPREP}} ! Maximum pressure head during preparation [-200..0 cm, R]
MAXPREPDELAY = {{MAXPREPDELAY}} ! Maximum delay of preparation from start of growing season [1..366 d, I]
* Part 0b: Sowing
* Switch for sowing:
SWSOW = {{SWSOW}} ! 0 = No sowing
! 1 = Sowing before start of crop growth
* If SWSOW = 1, specify:
ZSOW = {{ZSOW}} ! Z-level for monitoring work-ability for the crop [-100..0 cm, R]
HSOW = {{HSOW}} ! Maximum pressure head during sowing [-200..0 cm, R]
ZTEMPSOW = {{ZTEMPSOW}} ! Z-level for monitoring temperature for sowing [-100..0 cm, R]
TEMPSOW = {{TEMPSOW}} ! Soil temperature needed for sowing [0..30 oC, R]
MAXSOWDELAY = {{MAXSOWDELAY}} ! Maximum delay of sowing from start of growing season [1..366 d, I]
* Part 0c: Germination
* Switch for germination:
SWGERM = {{SWGERM}} ! 0 = No germination
! 1 = Simulate germination depending on temperature
! 2 = Simulate germination depending on temperature and hydrological conditions
* If SWGERM = 1, specify:
TSUMEMEOPT = {{TSUMEMEOPT}} ! Temperature sum needed for crop emergence [0..1000 oC, R]
TBASEM = {{TBASEM}} ! Minimum temperature, used for germination trajectory [0..40 oC, R]
TEFFMX = {{TEFFMX}} ! Maximum temperature, used for germination trajectory [0..40 oC, R]
* If SWGERM = 2, specify:
TSUMEMEOPT = {{TSUMEMEOPT}} ! Temperature sum needed for crop emergence [0..1000 oC, R]
TBASEM = {{TBASEM}} ! Minimum temperature, used for germination trajectory [0..40 oC, R]
TEFFMX = {{TEFFMX}} ! Maximum temperature, used for germination trajectory [0..40 oC, R]
HDRYGERM = {{HDRYGERM}} ! Pressure head rootzone for dry germination trajectory [-1000..-0.01 cm, R]
HWETGERM = {{HWETGERM}} ! Pressure head rootzone for wet germination trajectory [-100..-0.01 cm, R]
ZGERM = {{ZGERM}} ! Z-level for monitoring average pressure head [-100..0 cm, R]
AGERM = {{AGERM}} ! A-coefficient Eq. 24/25 Feddes & Van Wijk [1..1000, R]
* Part 0d: Harvest
DVSEND = {{DVSEND}} ! Development stage at harvest [0..3 -, R]
* Switch to check work-ability during harvest:
SWHARV = {{SWHARV}} ! 0 = Timing of harvest depends on end of growing period (CROPEND)
! 1 = Timing of harvest depends on development stage (DVSEND)
* Part 1: crop factor or crop height
* Choose between crop factor and crop height
* Choose crop factor if ETref is used, either from meteo input file (SWETR = 1) or with Penman-Monteith
* Choose crop height if Penman-Monteith should be used with actual crop height, albedo and canopy resistance
SWCF = {{SWCF}} ! 1 = Crop factor
! 2 = Crop height
* If SWCF = 1, list Crop Factor [0..2 -, R], as function of dev. stage [0..2 -, R]:
{{DVS}} {{CF}}
* If SWCF = 2, list Crop Height [0..1.d4 cm, R], as function of dev. stage [0..2 -, R]:
{{DVS}} {{CH}}
* End of table
* If SWCF = 2, in addition to crop height list crop specific values for:
ALBEDO = {{ALBEDO}} ! Crop reflection coefficient [0..1.0 -, R]
RSC = {{RSC}} ! Minimum canopy resistance [0..1d6 s/m, R]
RSW = {{RSW}} ! Canopy resistance of intercepted water [0..1d6 s/m, R]
* Part 2 : Crop development
* Switch for crop development:
IDSL = {{IDSL}} ! 0 = Crop development before anthesis depends on temperature
! 1 = Crop development before anthesis depends on temparature and daylength
! 2 = Crop development before anthesis depends on temperature, daylength and vernalisation factor
* Specify temperature dependency:
TSUMEA = {{TSUMEA}} ! Temperature sum from emergence to anthesis [0..10000 oC, R]
TSUMAM = {{TSUMAM}} ! Temperature sum from anthesis to maturity [0..10000 oC, R]
* List increase in temperature sum [0..60 oC, R] as function of daily average temperature [0..100 oC, R]
* TAV DTSM (maximum 15 records)
{{TAV}} {{DTSM}}
* End of table
* Specify daylength dependency:
DLO = {{DLO}} ! Optimum day length for crop development [0..24 h, R]
DLC = {{DLC}} ! Minimum day length [0..24 h, R]
* Specify daylength dependency:
DLO = {{DLO}} ! Optimum day length for crop development [0..24 h, R]
DLC = {{DLC}} ! Minimum day length [0..24 h, R]
* Specify vernalisation factor
VERNSAT = {{VERNSAT}} ! saturated vernalisation requirement [0.0,100.0 d, R]
VERNBASE = {{VERNBASE}} ! base vernalisation requirement [0.0,100.0 d, R]
VERNDVS = {{VERNDVS}} ! critical development stage after which the effect of vernalisation is halted [0.0,0.3 -, R]
* table with rate of vernalisation as function of average air temperature [d/oC]
* End of table
* Part 3: Initial values
TDWI = {{TDWI}} ! Initial total crop dry weight [0..10000 kg/ha, R]
LAIEM = {{LAIEM}} ! Leaf area index at emergence [0..10 m2/m2, R]
RGRLAI = {{RGRLAI}} ! Maximum relative increase in LAI [0..1 m2/m2/d, R]
* Part 4: Green surface area
SPA = {{SPA}} ! Specific pod area [0..1 ha/kg, R]
SSA = {{SSA}} ! Specific stem area [0..1 ha/kg, R]
SPAN = {{SPAN}} ! Life span under leaves under optimum conditions [0..366 d, R]
TBASE = {{TBASE}} ! Lower threshold temperature for ageing of leaves [-10..30 oC, R]
* List specific leaf area [0..1 ha/kg, R] as function of crop development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS SLA (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{SLA}}
* End of table
* Part 5: Assimilation
KDIF = {{KDIF}} ! Extinction coefficient for diffuse visible light [0..2 -, R]
KDIR = {{KDIR}} ! Extinction coefficient for direct visible light [0..2 -, R]
EFF = {{EFF}} ! Light use efficiency for real leaf [0..10 kg/ha/hr/(Jm2s), R]
* List maximum CO2 assimilation rate [0..100 kg/ha/hr, R] as function of development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS AMAX (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{AMAX}}
* End of table
* List reduction factor of AMAX [-, R] as function of average day temperature [-10..50 oC, R]
* TAVD TMPF (maximum 15 records)
{{TAVD}} {{TMPF}}
* End of table
* List reduction factor of AMAX [-, R] as function of minimum day temperature [-10..50 oC, R]
* TMNR TMNF (maximum 15 records)
{{TMNR}} {{TMNF}}
* End of table
* Part 6: Conversion of assimilates into biomass
CVL = {{CVL}} ! Efficiency of conversion into leaves [0..1 kg/kg, R]
CVO = {{CVO}} ! Efficiency of conversion into storage organs [0..1 kg/kg, R]
CVR = {{CVR}} ! Efficiency of conversion into roots [0..1 kg/kg, R]
CVS = {{CVS}} ! Efficiency of conversion into stems [0..1 kg/kg, R]
* Part 7: Maintenance respiration
Q10 = {{Q10}} ! Increase in respiration rate with temperature [0..5 /10 oC, R]
RML = {{RML}} ! Maintenance respiration rate of leaves [0..1 kgCH2O/kg/d, R]
RMO = {{RMO}} ! Maintenance respiration rate of storage organs [0..1 kgCH2O/kg/d, R]
RMR = {{RMR}} ! Maintenance respiration rate of roots [0..1 kgCH2O/kg/d, R]
RMS = {{RMS}} ! Maintenance respiration rate of stems [0..1 kgCH2O/kg/d, R]
* List reduction factor of senescence [-, R] as function of development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS RFSE (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{RFSE}}
* End of table
* Part 8: Partitioning
* List fraction of total dry matter increase partitioned to the roots [kg/kg, R]
* as function of development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS FR (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{FR}}
* End of table
* List fraction of total above ground dry matter increase partitioned to the leaves [kg/kg, R]
* as function of development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS FL (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{FL}}
* End of table
* List fraction of total above ground dry matter increase partitioned to the stems [kg/kg, R]
* as function of development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS FS (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{FS}}
* End of table
* List fraction of total above ground dry matter increase partitioned to the storage organs [kg/kg, R]
* as function of development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS FO (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{FO}}
* End of table
* Part 9: Death rates
PERDL = {{PERDL}} ! Maximum relative death rate of leaves due to water stress [0..3 /d, R]
* List relative death rates of roots [kg/kg/d] as function of development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS RDRR (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{RDRR}}
* End of table
* List relative death rates of stems [kg/kg/d] as function of development stage [0..2 -, R]
* DVS RDRS (maximum 15 records)
{{DVS}} {{RDRS}}
* End of table
* Part 10: Root growth and root density profile
* Switch development of root growth
SWRD = {{SWRD}} ! 1 = Root growth depends on development stage
! 2 = Root growth depends on maximum daily increase
! 3 = Root growth depends on available root biomass
* If case of dependency development stage (SWRD=1), specify:
* List Rooting Depth [0..1000 cm, R], as a function of development stage [0..2 -, R]:
{{DVS}} {{RD}}
* End of table
* If case of dependency maximum daily increase (SWRD=2), specify:
RDI = {{RDI}} ! Initial rooting depth [0..1000 cm, R]
RRI = {{RRI}} ! Maximum daily increase in rooting depth [0..100 cm/d, R]
RDC = {{RDC}} ! Maximum rooting depth of particular crop [0..1000 cm, R]
* Switch for calculation rooting depth:
SWDMI2RD = {{SWDMI2RD}} ! 0 = Rooting depth increase is related to availability assimilates for roots
! 1 = Rooting depth increase is related to relative dry matter increase
* In case of dependency available root biomass (SWRD=3), specify:
* List rooting depth [0..5000 cm, R] as function of root weight [0..5000 kg DM/ha, R]:
{{RW}} {{RD}}
* End of table
WRTMAX = {{WRTMAX}} ! Maximum root weight [0..1d5 kg DM/ha, R]
* Always specify:
* Switch for calculation of relative root density (default SWRDC = 1):
SWRDC = {{SWRDC}} ! 0 = Root density is not modified
! 1 = Root density is modified based on root water extraction
* List root density [0..100 cm/cm3, R] as function of relative rooting depth [0..1 -, R]:
* In case of drought stress according to Feddes et al. (1978) (SWDROUGHT = 1), relative root density (-) is sufficient
{{RRD}} {{RDENS}}
* End of table
* Part 11: Oxygen stress
* Switch for oxygen stress:
SWOXYGEN = {{SWOXYGEN}} ! 0 = No oxygen stress
! 1 = Oxygen stress according to Feddes et al. (1978)
! 2 = Oxygen stress according to Bartholomeus et al. (2008)
* Switch for checking aerobic conditions in root zone to stop root(zone) development
SWWRTNONOX = {{SWWRTNONOX}} ! 0 = Do not check for aerobic conditions
! 1 = Check for aerobic conditions
AERATECRIT = {{AERATECRIT}} ! Threshold to stop root extension in case of oxygenstress; 0.0 maximum oxygen stress [0.0001..1.0 -, R]
* If SWOXYGEN=1, specify:
HLIM1 = {{HLIM1}} ! No water extraction at higher pressure heads [-100..100 cm, R]
HLIM2U = {{HLIM2U}} ! H below which optimum water extr. starts for top layer [-1000..100 cm, R]
HLIM2L = {{HLIM2L}} ! H below which optimum water extr. starts for sub layer [-1000..100 cm, R]
* If SWOXYGEN=2, specify:
Q10_MICROBIAL = {{Q10_MICROBIAL}} ! Relative increase in microbial respiration at temperature increase of 10 C [1.0..4.0 -, R]
SPECIFIC_RESP_HUMUS = {{SPECIFIC_RESP_HUMUS}} ! Respiration rate of humus at 25 C [0.0..1.0 kg O2/kg C/d, R]
SRL = {{SRL}} ! Specific root length [0.0..1.d10 m root/kg root, R]
* Switch for calculation of root radius:
SWROOTRADIUS = {{SWROOTRADIUS}} ! 1 = Calculate root radius
! 2 = Root radius is given in input file
* If SWROOTRADIUS=1, specify:
DRY_MAT_CONT_ROOTS = {{DRY_MAT_CONT_ROOTS}} ! Dry matter content of roots [0.0..1.0 -, R]
AIR_FILLED_ROOT_POR = {{AIR_FILLED_ROOT_POR}} ! Air filled root porosity [0.0..1.0 -, R]
SPEC_WEIGHT_ROOT_TISSUE = {{SPEC_WEIGHT_ROOT_TISSUE}} ! Specific weight of non-airfilled root tissue [0.0..1.d5 kg root/m3 root, R]
VAR_A = {{VAR_A}} ! Variance of root radius [0.0..1.0 -, R]
* If SWROOTRADIUS=2, specify:
ROOT_RADIUSO2 = {{ROOT_RADIUSO2}} ! Root radius for oxygen stress module [1d-6..0.1 m, R]
* Part 12: Drought stress
* Switch for drought stress:
SWDROUGHT = {{SWDROUGHT}} ! 1 = Drought stress according to Feddes et al. (1978)
! 2 = Drought stress according to De Jong van Lier et al. (2008)
* If SWDROUGHT=1, or in case of irrigation scheduling (SCHEDULE = 1), specify:
HLIM3H = {{HLIM3H}} ! Pressure head below which water uptake reduction starts at high Tpot [-1d4..100 cm, R]
HLIM3L = {{HLIM3L}} ! Pressure head below which water uptake reduction starts at low Tpot [-1d4..100 cm, R]
HLIM4 = {{HLIM4}} ! No water extraction at lower soil water pressure heads [-1.6d4..100 cm, R]
ADCRH = {{ADCRH}} ! Level of high atmospheric demand, corresponding to HLIM3H [0..5 cm/d, R]
ADCRL = {{ADCRL}} ! Level of low atmospheric demand, corresponding to HLIM3L [0..5 cm/d, R]
* If SWDROUGHT=2, specify:
WILTPOINT = {{WILTPOINT}} ! Minimum pressure head in leaves [-1d8..-1d2 cm, R]
KSTEM = {{KSTEM}} ! Hydraulic conductance between leaf and root xylem [1d-10..10 /d, R]
RXYLEM = {{RXYLEM}} ! Xylem radius [1d-4..1 cm, R]
ROOTRADIUS = {{ROOTRADIUS}} ! Root radius [1d-4..1 cm, R]
KROOT = {{KROOT}} ! Radial hydraulic conductivity of root tissue [1d-10..1d10 cm/d, R]
ROOTCOEFA = {{ROOTCOEFA}} ! Defines relative distance between roots at which mean soil water content occurs [0..1 -, R]
SWHYDRLIFT = {{SWHYDRLIFT}} ! Switch for possibility hydraulic lift in root system [N=0, Y=1]
ROOTEFF = {{ROOTEFF}} ! Root system efficiency factor [0..1 -, R]
STEPHR = {{STEPHR}} ! Step between values of hroot and hxylem in iteration cycle [0..10 cm, R]
CRITERHR = {{CRITERHR}} ! Maximum difference of Hroot between iterations; convergence criterium [0..10 cm, R]
TACCUR = {{TACCUR}} ! Maximum absolute difference between simulated and calculated potential transpiration rate (1d-5..1d-2 cm/d, R)
* Part 13: salt stress
* Switch salinity stress
SWSALINITY = {{SWSALINITY}} ! 0 = No salinity stress
! 1 = Maas and Hoffman reduction function
! 2 = Use osmotic head
* If SWSALINITY = 1, specify threshold and slope of Maas and Hoffman
SALTMAX = {{SALTMAX}} ! Threshold salt concentration in soil water [0..100 mg/cm3, R]
SALTSLOPE = {{SALTSLOPE}} ! Decline of root water uptake above threshold [0..1.0 cm3/mg, R]
* If SWSALINITY = 2, specify:
SALTHEAD = {{SALTHEAD}} ! Conversion factor salt concentration (mg/cm3) into osmotic head (cm) [0..1000 cm/(mg/cm3), R]
* Part xx: compensation of root water uptake stress
* Switch for compensation root water uptake stress
SWCOMPENSATE = {{SWCOMPENSATE}} ! 0 = No compensation
! 1 = Compensation according to Jarvis (1989)
! 2 = Compensation according to Walsum (2019)
* Switch for selection of stressors to compensate
SWSTRESSOR = {{SWSTRESSOR}} ! 1 = Compensation of all stressors
! 2 = Compensation of drought stress
! 3 = Compensation of oxygen stress
! 4 = Compensation of salinity stress
! 5 = Compensation of frost stress
* If SWCOMPENSATE = 1, specify:
ALPHACRIT = {{ALPHACRIT}} ! Critical stress index for compensation of root water uptake [0.2..1 -, R]
* Switch for selection of stressors to compensate
SWSTRESSOR = {{SWSTRESSOR}} ! 1 = Compensation of all stressors
! 2 = Compensation of drought stress
! 3 = Compensation of oxygen stress
! 4 = Compensation of salinity stress
! 5 = Compensation of frost stress
* If SWCOMPENSATE = 2, specify:
DCRITRTZ = {{DCRITRTZ}} ! Threshold of rootzone thickness after which compensation occurs [0.02..100 cm, R]
* Part 14: interception
* For agricultural crops apply interception concept of Von Hoyningen-Hune and Braden
* Switch for rainfall interception method:
SWINTER = {{SWINTER}} ! 0 = No interception calculated
! 1 = Agricultural crops (Von Hoyningen-Hune and Braden)
! 2 = Trees and forests (Gash)
* In case of agricultural crops (SWINTER=1) specify:
COFAB = {{COFAB}} ! Interception coefficient, corresponding to maximum interception amount [0..1 cm, R]
* In case of closed forest canopies (SWINTER=2), specify as function of time T [0..366 d, R]:
* PFREE = Free throughfall coefficient [0..1 -, R]
* PSTEM = Stem flow coefficient [0..1 -, R]
* SCANOPY = Storage capacity of canopy [0..10 cm, R]
* AVPREC = Average rainfall intensity [0..100 cm/d, R]
* AVEVAP = Average evaporation intensity during rainfall from a wet canopy [0..10 cm/d, R]
* End of table
* Part 15: CO2-impact
* CO2-impact:
* correction of photosynthesis as a function of atmospheric CO2 concentration (-)
* correction of radiation use efficiency as a function of atmospheric CO2 concentration (-)
* correction of transpiration as a function of atmospheric CO2 concentration (-)
* values for C3 crops (potatoes, grassland, soybean)
* actual CO2 concentration in atmosphere [ppm] in separate file atmospheric.co2
* Switch for assimilation correction due to CO2 impact
SWCO2 = {{SWCO2}} ! 0 = No CO2 assimilation correction
! 1 = CO2 assimilation correction
* if SWCO2=1, specify:
ATMOFIL = {{ATMOFIL}} ! alternative filename for atmosphere.co2
* Correction of photosynthesis as a function of atmospheric CO2 concentration
{{CO2}} {{AMAX}}
* End of table
* Correction of radiation use efficiency as a function of atmospheric CO2 concentration:
{{CO2}} {{EFF}}
* End of table
* Correction of transpiration as a function of atmospheric CO2 concentration:
{{CO2}} {{TRA}}
* End of table
* Part 1: Nitrogen use
* Data from: Linutl4, http://models.pps.wur.nl/models
* param values from MAG202.DATo
* reference: Wolf, J. (2012). Users guide for LINTUL4 and LINTUL4V:
* Simple generic model for simulation of crop growth under
* potential, water limited and nitrogen limited conditions.
* WUR-PPS report (Vol. 4).
RDRNS = {{RDRNS}} ! Maximum relative death rate of leaves due to N stress [0.0..1.0 /d, R]
DVSNLT = {{DVSNLT}} ! Development stage above which no crop nitrogen uptake does occur [0.0..2.0 -, R]
DVSNT = {{DVSNT}} ! Development stage above which nitrogen translocation to storage organs does occur [0.0..2.0 -, R]
FNTRT = {{FNTRT}} ! Nitrogen translocation from roots as a fraction of total N amount translocated from leaves and stems [0.0..1.0 -, R]
FRNX = {{FRNX}} ! Optimal N concentration as fraction of maximum N concentration [0.0..1.0 -, R]
LRNR = {{LRNR}} ! Maximum N concentration in roots as fraction of maximum N concentration in leaves [0.0..1.0 -, R]
LSNR = {{LSNR}} ! Maximum N concentration in stems as fraction of maximum N concentration in leaves [0.0..1.0 -, R]
NLAI = {{NLAI}} ! Coefficient for the reduction due to N stress of the LAI increase (during juvenile phase) [0.0..2.0 -, R]
NLUE = {{NLUE}} ! Coefficient for the reduction of RUE due to Nitrogen stress [0.0..2.0 -, R]
NMAXSO = {{NMAXSO}} ! Maximum N concentration in storage organs [0.0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
NPART = {{NPART}} ! Coefficient for the effect of N stress on leaf biomass reduction [0.0..2.0 -, R]
NSLA = {{NSLA}} ! Coefficient for the effect of N stress on SLA reduction [0.0..2.0 -, R]
RNFLV = {{RNFLV}} ! Residual N fraction in leaves [0.0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
RNFST = {{RNFST}} ! Residual N fraction in stems [0.0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
RNFRT = {{RNFRT}} ! Residual N fraction in roots [0.0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
TCNT = {{TCNT}} ! Time coefficient for N translocation to storage organs [0.0..100.0 d, R]
NFIXF = {{NFIXF}} ! Fraction of crop nitrogen uptake by biological fixation [0.0..1.0 -, R]
* Maximum N concentration in leaves as function of development stage [0.0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
{{DVS}} {{NMXLV}}
End of table
* Part 2: Losses of organic matter
* Harvest losses of organic matter
FRAHARLOSORM_LV = {{FRAHARLOSORM_LV}} ! Fraction harvest losses of organic matter from leaves [0.0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
FRAHARLOSORM_ST = {{FRAHARLOSORM_ST}} ! Fraction harvest losses of organic matter from stems [0.0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
FRAHARLOSORM_SO = {{FRAHARLOSORM_SO}} ! Fraction harvest losses of organic matter from storage organs [0.0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
* Losses of organic matter
FRADECEASEDLVTOSOIL = {{FRADECEASEDLVTOSOIL}} ! Fraction of deceased leaves incorporated in soil [0..1.0 kg kg-1, R]
* Part 3: Management, other than irrigation, for instance pests,diseases or nutrients
* Switch for calculation of potential yield
SWPOTRELMF = {{SWPOTRELMF}} ! 1 = Theoretical potential yield
! 2 = Attainable yield
* In case of pest, diseases or nutrients, specify:
RELMF = {{RELMF}} ! Relative management factor to reduce theoretical potential yield to attainable yield [0..1 -, R]
* Part 1: General
SCHEDULE = {{SCHEDULE}} ! Switch for application irrigation scheduling [Y=1, N=0]
* If SCHEDULE = 1, specify:
STARTIRR = {{STARTIRR}} ! Specify day and month at which irrigation scheduling starts [dd mm]
ENDIRR = {{ENDIRR}} ! Specify day and month at which irrigation scheduling stops [dd mm]
CIRRS = {{CIRRS}} ! Solute concentration of irrigation water [0..100 mg/cm3, R]
* Switch for type of irrigation method:
ISUAS = {{ISUAS}} ! 0 = Sprinkling irrigation
! 1 = Surface irrigation
* Part 2: Irrigation time criteria
* Choose one of the following timing criteria options [1..6 -, I]:
TCS = {{TCS}} ! 1 = Ratio actual/potential transpiration
! 2 = Depletion of Readily Available Water
! 3 = Depletion of Totally Available Water
! 4 = Depletion of absolute Water Amount
! 6 = Fixed weekly irrigation
! 7 = Pressure head
! 8 = Moisture content
* Ratio actual/potential transpiration (TCS = 1)
* Specify mimimum of ratio actual/potential transpiration TREL [0..1 -, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC1}} {{TREL}}
* End of table
* Depletion of Readily Available Water (TCS = 2)
* Specify minimum fraction of readily available water RAW [0..1 -, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC2}} {{RAW}}
* End of table
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Depletion of Totally Available Water (TCS = 3)
* Specify minimal fraction of totally available water TAW [0..1 -, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC3}} {{TAW}}
* End of table
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Depletion of absolute Water Amount (TCS = 4)
* Specify maximum amount of water depleted below field capacity DWA [0..500 mm, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC4}} {{DWA}}
* End of table
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Fixed weekly irrigation (TCS = 6)
* Only irrigate when soil water deficit in root zone is larger than threshold
IRGTHRESHOLD = {{IRGTHRESHOLD}} ! Threshold value for weekly irrigation [0..20 mm, R]
* Pressure head (TCS = 7)
* Specify critical pressure head [-1d6..-100 cm, R] as function of crop development stage:
{{DVS_TC7}} {{HCRI}}
* End of table
DCRIT = {{DCRIT}} ! Depth of the sensor [-100..0 cm, R]
* In case TCS = 7, over-irrigation can be applied if the salinity concentration exceeds a threshold salinity
* Switch for over-irrigation:
SWCIRRTHRES = {{SWCIRRTHRES}} ! 0 = No over-irrigation
! 1 = Apply over-irrigation
* If SWCIRRTHRES = 1, specify:
CIRRTHRES = {{CIRRTHRES}} ! Threshold salinity concentration above which over-irrigation occurs [0..100 mg/cm3, R]
PERIRRSURP = {{PERIRRSURP}} ! Over-irrigation of the usually scheduled irrigation depth [0..100 %, R]
* Moisture content (TCS = 8)
* Specify critical moisture content [0..1 cm3/cm3, R] as function of crop development stage
{{DVS_TC8}} {{TCRI}}
* End of table
DCRIT = {{DCRIT}} ! Depth of the sensor [-100..0 cm, R]
* In case TCS = 8, over-irrigation can be applied if the salinity concentration exceeds a threshold salinity
* Switch for over-irrigation:
SWCIRRTHRES = {{SWCIRRTHRES}} ! 0 = No over-irrigation
! 1 = Apply over-irrigation
* If SWCIRRTHRES = 1, specify:
CIRRTHRES = {{CIRRTHRES}} ! Threshold salinity concentration above which over-irrigation occurs [0..100 mg/cm3, R]
PERIRRSURP = {{PERIRRSURP}} ! Over-irrigation of the usually scheduled irrigation depth [0..100 %, R]
* Switch for minimum time interval between irrigation applications
TCSFIX = {{TCSFIX}} ! 0 = No minimum time interval
! 1 = Define minimum time interval
* If TCSFIX = 1, specify:
IRGDAYFIX = {{IRGDAYFIX}} ! Minimum number of days between irrigation applications [1..366 d, I]
* Part 3: Irrigation depth criteria
* Choose one of the following two options for irrigation depth:
DCS = {{DCS}} ! 1 = Back to field capacity
! 2 = Fixed Irrigation Depth
* Specify pressure head at field capacity
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Specify pressure head at field capacity
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Specify pressure head at field capacity
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Specify pressure head at field capacity
PHFIELDCAPACITY = {{PHFIELDCAPACITY}} ! Soil water pressure head at field capacity [-1000..0 cm, R]
* Specify amount of under (-) or over (+) irrigation DI [-100..100 mm, R] as function of crop development stage [0..2, R]:
{{DVS_DC1}} {{DI}}
* End of table
RAITHRESHOLD = {{RAITHRESHOLD}} ! When rainfall exceeds RAITHRESHOLD, DI is added to back to field capacity [0..1000 cm, R]
* Specify fixed irrigation depth FID [0..400 mm, R] as function of crop development stage [0..2, R]:
{{DVS_DC2}} {{FID}}
* End of table
* Select minimum and maximum of irrigation depths:
DCSLIM = {{DCSLIM}} ! Switch, limit range irrigation depth [Y=1, N=0]
* If DCSLIM = 1, specify:
IRGDEPMIN = {{IRGDEPMIN}} ! Minimum irrigation depth [0..100 mm, I]
IRGDEPMAX = {{IRGDEPMAX}} ! Maximum irrigation depth [IRGDEPMIN..1d7 mm, I]
* End of .crp file !