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.swp file is the main configuration file for the SWAP model. It contains all the settings for the simulation and indicates which additional files should be created. In pySWAP, this file is represented by the main class Model. Upon calling'./') method on a model object, a .swp file is created in a temporary directory along with all other input files. So you do not even see the file anymore.

* Filename: swap.swp
* Contents: SWAP 4 - Main input data
* Comment area:
* Testbank of SWAP: build with template of swp-file

*   The main input file .swp contains the following sections:
*           - General section
*           - Meteorology section
*           - Crop section
*           - Soil water section
*           - Lateral drainage section
*           - Bottom boundary section
*           - Heat flow section
*           - Solute transport section



* Part 1: Environment

  PROJECT   = {{PROJECT}}    ! Project description [A80]
  PATHWORK  = '.\'           ! Path to work folder [A80]
  PATHATM   = {{PATHATM}}    ! Path to folder with weather files [A80]
  PATHCROP  = {{PATHCROP}}   ! Path to folder with crop files [A80]
  PATHDRAIN = '.\'           ! Path to folder with drainage files [A80]

* Switch, display progression of simulation run to screen:  
  SWSCRE    = 0              ! 0 = no display to screen
                             ! 1 = display water balance components
                             ! 2 = display daynumber

* Switch for printing errors to screen:
  SWERROR   = 0              ! 0 = no display to screen
                             ! 1 = display error to screen


* Part 2: Simulation period

  TSTART  = {{TSTART}}       ! Start date of simulation run, give day-month-year [date]
  TEND    = {{TEND}}         ! End date of simulation run, give day-month-year [date]


* Part 3: Output dates 

* Number of output times during a day
  NPRINTDAY = {{NPRINTDAY}}  ! Number of output times during a day [1..1440, I]

* Specify dates for output of state variables and fluxes
  SWMONTH = {{SWMONTH}}      ! Switch, output each month [Y=1, N=0]

* If SWMONTH = 0, choose output interval and/or specific dates
  PERIOD = {{PERIOD}}        ! Fixed output interval, ignore = 0 [0..366, I]
  SWRES  = {{SWRES}}         ! Switch, reset output interval counter each year [Y=1, N=0]
  SWODAT = {{SWODAT}}        ! Switch, extra output dates are given in table below [Y=1, N=0]

* If SWODAT = 1, list specific dates [date], maximum MAOUT dates:
* End of table

* Output times for overall water and solute balances in *.BAL and *.BLC file: choose output
* at a fixed date each year or at different dates:
  SWYRVAR = {{SWYRVAR}}      ! 0 = each year output at the same date
                             ! 1 = output at different dates

* If SWYRVAR = 0 specify fixed date:
  DATEFIX = 31 12            ! Specify day and month for output of yearly balances [dd mm]

* If SWYRVAR = 1 specify all output dates [date], maximum MAOUT dates:
* End of table


* Part 4: Output files

* General information
  OUTFIL   = {{OUTFIL}}      ! Generic file name of output files, [A16]
  SWHEADER = 0               ! Print header at the start of each balance period [Y=1, N=0]

* Optional files
  SWWBA  = 0                 ! Switch, output daily water balance [Y=1, N=0]
  SWEND  = 0                 ! Switch, output end-conditions [Y=1, N=0]
  SWVAP  = 0                 ! Switch, output soil profiles of moisture, solute and temperature [Y=1, N=0]
  SWBAL  = 0                 ! Switch, output file with yearly water balance [Y=1, N=0]
  SWBLC  = 0                 ! Switch, output file with detailed yearly water balance [Y=1, N=0]
  SWSBA  = 0                 ! Switch, output file of daily solute balance [Y=1, N=0]
  SWATE  = 0                 ! Switch, output file with soil temperature profiles [Y=1, N=0]
  SWBMA  = 0                 ! Switch, output file with water fluxes, only for macropore flow [Y=1, N=0]
  SWDRF  = 0                 ! Switch, output of drainage fluxes, only for extended drainage [Y=1, N=0]
  SWSWB  = 0                 ! Switch, output surface water reservoir, only for extended drainage [Y=1, N=0]
  SWINI  = 0                 ! Switch, output of initial SoilPhysParam and HeatParam [Y=1, N=0]  
  SWINC  = 0                 ! Switch, output of water balance increments [Y=1, N=0]
  SWCRP  = 0                 ! Switch, output of simple or detailed crop growth model [Y=1, N=0]
  SWSTR  = 0                 ! Switch, output of stress values for wetness, drought, salinity and frost [Y=1, N=0]
  SWIRG  = 0                 ! Switch, output of irrigation gifts [Y=1, N=0]

* Specific CSV output file? (default: no)
  SWCSV  = {{SWCSV}}         ! Switch, output of variables to be specified [Y=1, N=0]


* Specific CSV output file? (default: no)
  SWCSV_TZ  = {{SWCSV_TZ}}   ! Switch, output of variables to be specified [Y=1, N=0]


* Optional output files for water quality models or other specific use

* Switch, output file with formatted hydrological data:
  SWAFO  = {{SWAFO}}         ! 0 = no output
                             ! 1 = output to a file named *.AFO
                             ! 2 = output to a file named *.BFO

* Switch, output file with unformatted hydrological data:
  SWAUN  = {{SWAUN}}         ! 0 = no output
                             ! 1 = output to a file named *.AUN
                             ! 2 = output to a file named *.BUN

* if SWAFO = 1 or 2 or if SWAUN = 1 or 2 then specify CRITDEVMASBAL and SWDISCRVERT
* Maximum deviation in water balance; in case of larger deviation, an error file is created (*.DWB.CSV)
  CRITDEVMASBAL = {{CRITDEVMASBAL}} ! Critical Deviation in water balance during PERIOD [0.0..1.0 cm, R]

* Switch to convert vertical discretization
  SWDISCRVERT = {{SWDISCRVERT}} ! 0: no conversion
                             ! 1: convert vertical discretization

* Only If SWDISCRVERT = 1 then NUMNODNEW and DZNEW are required
  NUMNODNEW = 22             ! New number of nodes [1...macp,I,-]
*                            ! (boundaries of soil layers may not change, which implies   
*                            !  that the sum of thicknesses within a soil layer must be 
*                            !  equal to the thickness of the soil layer.
*                            !  See also: SoilWaterSection, Part4: Vertical discretization of soil profile)

* Thickness of compartments [1.0d-6...5.0d2, cm, R] 
   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  40.0  40.0  40.0

* if SWAFO = 1 or 2 or if SWAUN = 1 or 2 then specify CRITDEVMASBAL and SWDISCRVERT
* Maximum deviation in water balance; in case of larger deviation, an error file is created (*.DWB.CSV)
  CRITDEVMASBAL = {{CRITDEVMASBAL}} ! Critical Deviation in water balance during PERIOD [0.0..1.0 cm, R]

* Switch to convert vertical discretization
  SWDISCRVERT = {{SWDISCRVERT}} ! 0: no conversion
                             ! 1: convert vertical discretization

* Only If SWDISCRVERT = 1 then NUMNODNEW and DZNEW are required
  NUMNODNEW = 22             ! New number of nodes [1...macp,I,-]
*                            ! (boundaries of soil layers may not change, which implies   
*                            !  that the sum of thicknesses within a soil layer must be 
*                            !  equal to the thickness of the soil layer.
*                            !  See also: SoilWaterSection, Part4: Vertical discretization of soil profile)

* Thickness of compartments [1.0d-6...5.0d2, cm, R] 
   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  40.0  40.0  40.0

* if SWAFO = 1 or 2 or if SWAUN = 1 or 2 then specify CRITDEVMASBAL and SWDISCRVERT
* Maximum deviation in water balance; in case of larger deviation, an error file is created (*.DWB.CSV)
  CRITDEVMASBAL = {{CRITDEVMASBAL}} ! Critical Deviation in water balance during PERIOD [0.0..1.0 cm, R]

* Switch to convert vertical discretization
  SWDISCRVERT = {{SWDISCRVERT}} ! 0: no conversion
                             ! 1: convert vertical discretization

* Only If SWDISCRVERT = 1 then NUMNODNEW and DZNEW are required
  NUMNODNEW = 22             ! New number of nodes [1...macp,I,-]
*                            ! (boundaries of soil layers may not change, which implies   
*                            !  that the sum of thicknesses within a soil layer must be 
*                            !  equal to the thickness of the soil layer.
*                            !  See also: SoilWaterSection, Part4: Vertical discretization of soil profile)

* Thickness of compartments [1.0d-6...5.0d2, cm, R] 
   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  40.0  40.0  40.0

* if SWAFO = 1 or 2 or if SWAUN = 1 or 2 then specify CRITDEVMASBAL and SWDISCRVERT
* Maximum deviation in water balance; in case of larger deviation, an error file is created (*.DWB.CSV)
  CRITDEVMASBAL = {{CRITDEVMASBAL}} ! Critical Deviation in water balance during PERIOD [0.0..1.0 cm, R]

* Switch to convert vertical discretization
  SWDISCRVERT = {{SWDISCRVERT}} ! 0: no conversion
                             ! 1: convert vertical discretization

* Only If SWDISCRVERT = 1 then NUMNODNEW and DZNEW are required
  NUMNODNEW = 22             ! New number of nodes [1...macp,I,-]
*                            ! (boundaries of soil layers may not change, which implies   
*                            !  that the sum of thicknesses within a soil layer must be 
*                            !  equal to the thickness of the soil layer.
*                            !  See also: SoilWaterSection, Part4: Vertical discretization of soil profile)

* Thickness of compartments [1.0d-6...5.0d2, cm, R] 
   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0   5.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  10.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  20.0  40.0  40.0  40.0




* General data

* File name
  METFIL = {{METFIL}}        ! File name of meteorological data without extension .YYY, [A200]
                             ! Extension is equal to last 3 digits of year, e.g. 003 denotes year 2003

* Details of meteo station:
  LAT = {{LAT}}              ! Latitude of meteo station [-90..90 degrees, R, North = +]

* Type of weather data for potential evapotranspiration
  SWETR = {{SWETR}}          ! 0 = Use basic weather data and apply Penman-Monteith equation
                             ! 1 = Use reference evapotranspiration data in combination with crop factors

* In case of Penman-Monteith (SWETR = 0), specify:
  ALT       = {{ALT}}        ! Altitude of meteo station [-400..3000 m, R]
  ALTW      = {{ALTW}}       ! Height of wind speed measurement above soil surface (10 m is default) [0..99 m, R]
  ANGSTROMA = {{ANGSTROMA}}  ! Fraction of extraterrestrial radiation reaching the earth on overcast days [0..1 -, R]
  ANGSTROMB = {{ANGSTROMB}}  ! Additional fraction of extraterrestrial radiation reaching the earth on clear days [0..1 -, R]

* Switch for distribution of E and T:
  SWDIVIDE  = {{SWDIVIDE}}   ! 0 = Based on crop and soil factors
                             ! 1 = Based on direct application of Penman-Monteith

* In case of SWETR = 0, specify time interval of evapotranspiration and rainfall weather data
  SWMETDETAIL = {{SWMETDETAIL}} ! 0 = time interval is equal to one day
                             ! 1 = time interval is less than one day

* In case of daily meteorological weather records (SWMETDETAIL = 0):
  SWETSINE = {{SWETSINE}}    ! Switch, distribute daily Tp and Ep according to sinus wave [Y=1, N=0]

* Switch for use of actual rainfall intensity (only if SWMETDETAIL = 0):
  SWRAIN = {{SWRAIN}}        ! 0 = Use daily rainfall amounts
                             ! 1 = Use daily rainfall amounts + mean intensity
                             ! 2 = Use daily rainfall amounts + duration
                             ! 3 = Use detailed rainfall records (dt < 1 day), as supplied in separate file

* If SWRAIN = 1, then specify mean rainfall intensity RAINFLUX [0.d0..1000.d0 mm/d, R]
* as function of time TIME [0..366 d, R], maximum 30 records

* End of table
* If SWRAIN = 3, then specify file name of file with detailed rainfall data
  RAINFIL = {{RAINFIL}}      ! File name of detailed rainfall data without extension .YYY, [A200]
                             ! Extension is equal to last 3 digits of year, e.g. 003 denotes year 2003
* In case of detailed meteorological weather records (SWMETDETAIL = 1), specify:
  NMETDETAIL = 24            ! Number of weather data records each day [1..96 -, I]
* In case of daily meteorological weather records (only if SWETR = 1):
  SWETSINE = {{SWETSINE}}    ! Switch, distribute daily Tp and Ep according to sinus wave [Y=1, N=0]

* Switch for use of actual rainfall intensity (only if SWETR = 1):
  SWRAIN = {{SWRAIN}}        ! 0 = Use daily rainfall amounts
                             ! 1 = Use daily rainfall amounts + mean intensity
                             ! 2 = Use daily rainfall amounts + duration
                             ! 3 = Use detailed rainfall records (dt < 1 day), as supplied in separate file

* If SWRAIN = 1, then specify mean rainfall intensity RAINFLUX [0.d0..1000.d0 mm/d, R]
* as function of time TIME [0..366 d, R], maximum 30 records

* End of table
* If SWRAIN = 3, then specify file name of file with detailed rainfall data
  RAINFIL = {{RAINFIL}}      ! File name of detailed rainfall data without extension .YYY, [A200]
                             ! Extension is equal to last 3 digits of year, e.g. 003 denotes year 2003




* Part 1: Crop rotation scheme

* Switch for bare soil or cultivated soil:  
  SWCROP = {{SWCROP}}        ! 0 = Bare soil
                             ! 1 = Cultivated soil

* Specify for each crop (maximum MACROP):
* CROPSTART  = date of crop emergence [date]
* CROPEND    = date of crop harvest [date]
* CROPFIL    = name of file with crop input parameters without extension .CRP, [A40]
* CROPTYPE   = growth module: 1 = simple; 2 = detailed, WOFOST general; 3 = detailed, WOFOST grass

* End of table

  RDS  = {{RDS}}             ! Maximum rooting depth allowed by the soil profile, [1..5000 cm, R]


* Part 2: Fixed irrigation applications

* Switch for fixed irrigation applications
  SWIRFIX = {{SWIRFIX}}      ! 0 = no irrigation applications are prescribed
                             ! 1 = irrigation applications are prescribed

* If SWIRFIX = 1, specify:
* Switch for separate file with fixed irrigation applications
  SWIRGFIL  = {{SWIRGFIL}}   ! 0 = data are specified in the .swp file
                             ! 1 = data are specified in a separate file

* If SWIRGFIL  = 0 specify information for each fixed irrigation event (max. MAIRG):
* IRDATE   = date of irrigation [date]
* IRDEPTH  = amount of water [0..1000 mm, R]
* IRCONC   = concentration of irrigation water [0..1000 mg/cm3, R]
* IRTYPE   = type of irrigation: sprinkling = 0, surface = 1

* End of table
* If SWIRGFIL  = 1, specify name of file with irrigation data:
  IRGFIL = {{IRGFIL}}        ! File name with irrigation input data without extension .IRG [A32]




* Part 1: Initial soil moisture condition

* Switch, type of initial soil moisture condition:
  SWINCO = {{SWINCO}}        ! 1 = pressure head as function of soil depth
                             ! 2 = pressure head of each compartment is in hydrostatic equilibrium with initial groundwater level
                             ! 3 = read final pressure heads from output file of previous Swap simulation

* If SWINCO = 1, specify soil depth ZI [-1.d5..0 cm, R] and initial
* soil water pressure head H [-1.d10..1.d4 cm, R] (maximum MACP):

  {{ZI}} {{H}}
* End of table
* If SWINCO = 2, specify initial groundwater level:
  GWLI   = {{GWLI}}          ! Initial groundwater level, [-10000..100 cm, R]
* If SWINCO = 3, specify output file with initial values for current run:
  INIFIL = {{INIFIL}}        ! name of output file *.END which contains initial values [A200]


* Part 2: Ponding, runoff and runon

* Ponding
* Switch for variation ponding threshold for runoff
  SWPONDMX = {{SWPONDMX}}    ! 0 = Ponding threshold for runoff is constant
                             ! 1 = Ponding threshold for runoff varies in time

* If SWPONDMX = 0, specify
  PONDMX  = {{PONDMX}}       ! In case of ponding, minimum thickness for runoff [0..1000 cm, R]
* If SWPONDMX = 1, specify minimum thickness for runoff PONDMXTB [0..1000 cm, R] as function of time

* End of table

* Runoff
  RSRO    = {{RSRO}}         ! Drainage resistance for surface runoff [0.001..1.0 d, R]
  RSROEXP = {{RSROEXP}}      ! Exponent in drainage equation of surface runoff [0.01..10.0 -, R]

* Runon
  SWRUNON = {{SWRUNON}}      ! Switch, use of runon data [Y=1, N=0]

* If SWRUNON = 1, specify name of file with runon input data
* This file may be an output file *.inc (with only 1 header line) of a previous Swap-simulation
  RUFIL = ''         ! File name with extension [A80]


* Part 3: Soil evaporation

  CFEVAPPOND = 1.25          ! When ETref is used, evaporation coefficient in case of ponding  [0..3 -, R]

* Switch for use of soil factor CFBS to calculate Epot from ETref:
  SWCFBS = {{SWCFBS}}        ! 0 = soil factor is not used
                             ! 1 = soil factor is used

* If SWCFBS = 1, specify coefficient CFBS:
  CFBS = {{CFBS}}            ! Coefficient for potential soil evaporation, [0.5..1.5 -, R]

* If SWDIVIDE = 1 (partitoning according to PMdirect) specify minimum soil resistance
  RSOIL  =  {{RSOIL}}        ! Soil resistance of wet soil [0..1000.0 s/m, R]

* Switch, method for reduction of potential soil evaporation:
  SWREDU = {{SWREDU}}        ! 0 = reduction to maximum Darcy flux
                             ! 1 = reduction to maximum Darcy flux and to maximum Black (1969)
                             ! 2 = reduction to maximum Darcy flux and to maximum Boesten/Stroosnijder (1986)

* If SWREDU = 1, specify:
 COFREDBL = {{COFREDBL}}     ! Soil evaporation coefficient of Black [0..1 cm/d1/2, R]
 RSIGNI = {{RSIGNI}}         ! Minimum rainfall to reset method of Black [0..1 cm/d, R]

* If SWREDU = 2, specify:
 COFREDBO = {{COFREDBO}}     ! Soil evaporation coefficient of Boesten/Stroosnijder [0..1 cm1/2, R]


* Part 4: Vertical discretization of soil profile

* Specify the following data (maximum MACP lines):
* ISUBLAY  = number of sub layer, start with 1 at soil surface [1..MACP, I]
* ISOILLAY = number of soil physical layer, start with 1 at soil surface [1..MAHO, I]
* HSUBLAY  = height of sub layer [0..1.d4 cm, R]
* HCOMP    = height of compartments in the sub layer [0.0..1000.0 cm, R]
* NCOMP    = number of compartments in the sub layer (Mind NCOMP = HSUBLAY/HCOMP) [1..MACP, I]

* End of table


* Part 5: Soil hydraulic functions

* Switch for analytical functions or tabular input:
  SWSOPHY = {{SWSOPHY}}      ! 0 = Analytical functions with input of Mualem - van Genuchten parameters
                             ! 1 = Soil physical tables

* If SWSOPHY = 0, specify MvG parameters for each soil physical layer (maximum MAHO):
* ORES    = Residual water content [0..1 cm3/cm3, R]
* OSAT    = Saturated water content [0..1 cm3/cm3, R]
* ALFA    = Parameter alfa of main drying curve [0.0001..100 /cm, R]
* NPAR    = Parameter n [1.001..9 -, R]
* KSATFIT = Fitting parameter Ksat of hydraulic conductivity function [1.d-5..1d5 cm/d, R]
* LEXP    = Exponent in hydraulic conductivity function [-25..25 -, R]
* ALFAW   = Alfa parameter of main wetting curve in case of hysteresis [0.0001..100 /cm, R]
* ALFAW   = Alfa parameter of main wetting curve in case of hysteresis [0.0001..100 /cm, R]
* H_ENPR  = Air entry pressure head [-40.0..0.0 cm, R]
* KSATEXM = Measured hydraulic conductivity at saturated conditions [1.d-5..1d5 cm/d, R]
* BDENS   = Dry soil bulk density [100..1d4 mg/cm3, R]

  {{ORES}} {{OSAT}} {{ALFA}} {{NPAR}} {{KSATFIT}} {{LEXP}} {{H_ENPR}} {{KSATEXM}} {{BDENS}}
  {{ORES}} {{OSAT}} {{ALFA}} {{NPAR}} {{KSATFIT}} {{LEXP}} {{ALFAW}} {{H_ENPR}} {{KSATEXM}} {{BDENS}}
  {{ORES}} {{OSAT}} {{ALFA}} {{NPAR}} {{KSATFIT}} {{LEXP}} {{ALFAW}} {{H_ENPR}} {{KSATEXM}} {{BDENS}}
* End of table
* If SWSOPHY = 1, specify names of input files [A80] with soil hydraulic tables for each soil layer:


* Part 6: Hysteresis of soil water retention function

* Switch for hysteresis:
  SWHYST = {{SWHYST}}        ! 0 = no hysteresis
                             ! 1 = hysteresis, initial condition wetting
                             ! 2 = hysteresis, initial condition drying

* If SWHYST = 1 or 2, specify:                                      
  TAU = {{TAU}}              ! Minimum pressure head difference to change wetting-drying, [0..1 cm, R]


* Part 7: Preferential flow due to macropores

* Switch for macropore flow [0..2, I]:
  SWMACRO = 0                ! 0 = no macropore flow
                             ! 1 = macropore flow


* Part 8: Snow and frost

* Switch, calculate snow accumulation and melt:
  SWSNOW = {{SWSNOW}}        ! 0 = no simulation of snow
                             ! 1 = simulation of snow accumulation and melt

* If SWSNOW = 1, specify:
  SNOWINCO = {{SNOWINCO}}    ! Initial snow water equivalent [0..1000 cm, R] 
  TEPRRAIN = {{TEPRRAIN}}    ! Temperature above which all precipitation is rain[ 0..10 oC, R]
  TEPRSNOW = {{TEPRSNOW}}    ! Temperature below which all precipitation is snow[-10..0 oC, R]
  SNOWCOEF = {{SNOWCOEF}}    ! Snowmelt calibration factor [0...10 -, R]

* Switch, in case of frost reduce soil water flow:
  SWFROST = {{SWFROST}}      ! 0 = no simulation of frost
                             ! 1 = simulation of frost reduce soil water flow

* If SWFROST = 1, then specify soil temperature to start end end flux-reduction
  TFROSTSTA = {{TFROSTSTA}}  ! Soil temperature (oC) where reduction of water fluxes starts [-10.0,5.0, oC, R]
  TFROSTEND = {{TFROSTEND}}  ! Soil temperature (oC) where reduction of water fluxes ends [-10.0,5.0, oC, R]


* Part 9: Numerical solution of Richards' equation for soil water flow

  DTMIN         = {{DTMIN}}  ! Minimum timestep [1.d-7..0.1 d, R]
  DTMAX         = {{DTMAX}}  ! Maximum timestep [dtmin..1 d, R]
  GWLCONV       = {{GWLCONV}} ! Maximum difference of groundwater level between time steps [1.d-5..1000 cm, R]
  CRITDEVH1CP   = {{CRITDEVH1CP}} ! Maximum relative difference in pressure heads per compartment [1.0d-10..1.d3 -, R]
  CRITDEVH2CP   = {{CRITDEVH2CP}} ! Maximum absolute difference in pressure heads per compartment [1.0d-10..1.d3 cm, R]
  CRITDEVPONDDT = {{CRITDEVPONDDT}} ! Maximum water balance error of ponding layer [1.0d-6..0.1 cm, R]
  MAXIT         = {{MAXIT}}  ! Maximum number of iteration cycles [5..100 -, I]
  MAXBACKTR     = {{MAXBACKTR}} ! Maximum number of back track cycles within an iteration cycle [1..10 -,I]

* Switch for averaging method of hydraulic conductivity [1..4 -, I]:
  SWKMEAN = {{SWKMEAN}}      ! 1 = unweighted arithmic mean
                             ! 2 = weighted arithmic mean
                             ! 3 = unweighted geometric mean
                             ! 4 = weighted geometric mean
                             ! 5 = unweighted harmonic mean
                             ! 6 = weighted harmonic mean

* Switch for updating hydraulic conductivity during iteration [0..1 -, I]:
  SWKIMPL = {{SWKIMPL}}      ! 0 = no update
                             ! 1 = update




* Specify whether lateral drainage to surface water should be included

* Switch, simulation of lateral drainage:
  SWDRA = {{SWDRA}}          ! 0 = no simulation of drainage
                             ! 1 = simulation with basic drainage routine
                             ! 2 = simulation of drainage with surface water management

* If SWDRA = 1 specify name of file with drainage input data:
  DRFIL = {{DRFIL}}          ! File name with drainage input data without extension .DRA [A16]
* If SWDRA = 2 specify name of file with drainage input data:
  DRFIL = {{DRFIL}}          ! File name with drainage input data without extension .DRA [A16]




* Bottom boundary condition

* Switch for file with bottom boundary data:
  SWBBCFILE  = {{SWBBCFILE}} ! 0 = data are specified in current file
                             ! 1 = data are specified in a separate file

* Select one of the following options:
  SWBOTB = {{SWBOTB}}        ! 1  Prescribe groundwater level
                             ! 2  Prescribe bottom flux
                             ! 3  Calculate bottom flux from hydraulic head of deep aquifer
                             ! 4  Calculate bottom flux as function of groundwater level
                             ! 5  Prescribe soil water pressure head of bottom compartment
                             ! 6  Bottom flux equals zero
                             ! 7  Free drainage of soil profile
                             ! 8  Free outflow at soil-air interface

* Options 1-5 require additional bottom boundary data below


* In case of SWBOTB = 1, prescribe groundwater level

* specify DATE1 [date] and GWLEVEL [cm, -10000..1000, R]:
  {{DATE1}} {{GWLEVEL}}
* End of table

* In case of SWBOTB = 2, prescribe bottom flux

* Specify whether a sinus function or a table are used for the bottom flux:
  SW2    = {{SW2}}           ! 1 = sinus function
                             ! 2 = table

* In case of sinus function (SW2 = 1), specify:
  SINAVE = {{SINAVE}}        ! Average value of bottom flux [-10..10 cm/d, R, + = upwards]
  SINAMP = {{SINAMP}}        ! Amplitude of bottom flux sine function [-10..10 cm/d, R]
  SINMAX = {{SINMAX}}        ! Time of the year with maximum bottom flux [0..366 d, R]  
* In case of table (SW2 = 2), specify date DATE2 [date] and bottom flux QBOT2 [-100..100 cm/d, R, positive = upwards]:

  {{DATE2}} {{QBOT2}}
* End of table

* In case of SWBOTB = 3, calculate bottom flux from hydraulic head in deep aquifer

* Switch for vertical hydraulic resistance between bottom boundary and groundwater level
  SWBOTB3RESVERT = {{SWBOTB3RESVERT}} ! 0 = Include vertical hydraulic resistance
                             ! 1 = Suppress vertical hydraulic resistance

* Switch for numerical solution of bottom flux: 0 = explicit, 1 = implicit
  SWBOTB3IMPL = {{SWBOTB3IMPL}} ! 0 = explicit solution (choose always when SHAPE < 1.0)
                             ! 1 = implicit solution

* Specify:
  SHAPE  = {{SHAPE}}         ! Shape factor to derive average groundwater level [0..1 -, R]
  HDRAIN = {{HDRAIN}}        ! Mean drain base to correct for average groundwater level [-10000..0 cm, R]
  RIMLAY = {{RIMLAY}}        ! Vertical resistance of aquitard [0..100000 d, R]

* Specify whether a sinus function or a table are used for the hydraulic head in the deep aquifer:
  SW3    = {{SW3}}           ! 1 = sinus function  
                             ! 2 = table 

* In case of sinus function (SW3  = 1), specify:
  AQAVE  = {{AQAVE}}         ! Average hydraulic head in underlaying aquifer [-10000..1000 cm, R] 
  AQAMP  = {{AQAMP}}         ! Amplitude hydraulic head sinus wave [0..1000 cm, R]
  AQTMAX = {{AQTMAX}}        ! First time of the year with maximum hydraulic head [0..366 d, R]
  AQPER  = {{AQPER}}         ! Period hydraulic head sinus wave [0..366 d, I]
* In case of table (SW3  = 2), specify date DATE3 [date] and average pressure head in underlaying aquifer HAQUIF [-10000..1000 cm, R]:

  {{DATE3}} {{HAQUIF}}
* End of table

* An extra groundwater flux can be specified which is added to above specified flux
  SW4   = {{SW4}}            ! 0 = no extra flux 
                             ! 1 = include extra flux

* If SW4 = 1, specify date DATE4 [date] and bottom flux QBOT4 [-100..100 cm/d, R]
* QTAB is positive when flux is upward:

  {{DATE4}} {{QBOT4}}
* End of table


* In case of SWBOTB = 4, calculate bottom flux as function of groundwater level

* Specify whether an exponential relation or a table is used [1..2 -,I]:
  SWQHBOT = {{SWQHBOT}}      ! 1 = bottom flux is calculated with an exponential relation
                             ! 2 = bottom flux is derived from a table

* In case of an exponential relation (SWQHBOT = 1),
* specify coefficients of relation qbot = A exp (B*abs(groundwater level))
  COFQHA = {{COFQHA}}        ! Coefficient A, [-100..100 cm/d, R]
  COFQHB = {{COFQHB}}        ! Coefficient B  [-1..1 /cm, R]

* If SWQHBOT = 1, an extra flux can be added to the exponential relation
  COFQHC = {{COFQHC}}        ! Water flux (positive upward) in addition to flux from exponential relation [-10..10 cm/d, R]
* In case of a table (SWQHBOT  = 2),
* specify groundwaterlevel HTAB [-10000..1000, cm, R] and bottom flux QTAB [-100..100 cm/d, R]
* HTAB is negative below the soil surface, QTAB is positive when flux is upward:

  {{HTAB}} {{QTAB}}
* End of table

* In case of SWBOTB = 5, prescribe soil water pressure head of bottom compartment

* Specify date DATE5 [date] and bottom compartment pressure head HBOT5 [-1.d10..1000 cm, R]:

  {{DATE5}} {{HBOT5}}
* End of table

* If SWBBCFILE = 1 specify name of file with bottom boundary data:
  BBCFIL = {{BBCFIL}}        ! File name without extension .BBC [A32]




* Switch for simulation of heat transport:
  SWHEA  = {{SWHEA}}         ! 0 = no simulation of heat transport
                             ! 1 = simulation of heat transport

* Switch for calculation method:
  SWCALT = {{SWCALT}}        ! 1 = analytical method
                             ! 2 = numerical method

* In case of the Analytical method (SWCALT = 1) specify:
* If SWCALT = 1 specify the following heat parameters:
  TAMPLI = {{TAMPLI}}        ! Amplitude of annual temperature wave at soil surface [0..50 oC, R]
  TMEAN  = {{TMEAN}}         ! Mean annual temperature at soil surface [-10..30 oC, R]
  TIMREF = {{TIMREF}}        ! Time at which the sinus temperature wave reaches it's top [0..366.0 d, R]
  DDAMP  = {{DDAMP}}         ! Damping depth of soil temperature wave [1..500 cm, R]

* In case of the numerical method (SWCALT = 2) specify:
* Specify for each physical soil layer the soil texture (g/g mineral parts) and the organic matter content (g/g dry soil):

  {{PSAND}} {{PSILT}} {{PCLAY}} {{ORGMAT}}
* End of table

* If SWINCO = 1 or 2, list initial temperature TSOIL [-50..50 oC, R] as function of soil depth ZH [-100000..0 cm, R]:

  {{ZH}} {{TSOIL}}
* End of table
* If SWINCO = 1 or 2, list initial temperature TSOIL [-50..50 oC, R] as function of soil depth ZH [-100000..0 cm, R]:

  {{ZH}} {{TSOIL}}
* End of table

* Define top boundary condition: 
  SWTOPBHEA = {{SWTOPBHEA}}  ! 1 = use air temperature of meteo input file as top boundary
                             ! 2 = use measured top soil temperature as top boundary

* If SWTOPBHEA = 2, specify name of input file with soil surface temperatures
  TSOILFILE = 'swap'         ! File name without extension .TSS [A16]

* Define bottom boundary condition:
  SWBOTBHEA = {{SWBOTBHEA}}  ! 1 = no heat flux
                             ! 2 = prescribe bottom temperature

* If SWBOTBHEA = 2, specify bottom boundary temperature TBOT [-50..50 oC, R] as function of date DATET [date]:

  {{DATET}} {{TBOT}}
* End of table





* Part 0: Specify whether simulation includes solute transport

* Switch for simulation of solute transport
  SWSOLU = {{SWSOLU}}        ! 0 = no simulation of solute transport
                             ! 1 = simulation of solute transport

* Part 1: Boundary and initial conditions

  CPRE = {{CPRE}}            ! Solute concentration in precipitation, [0..100 mg/cm3 R]
  CDRAIN = {{CDRAIN}}        ! Solute concentration in surface water [0..100 mg/cm3 R]

* Switch for groundwater concentration in case of upward flow (seepage):
  SWBOTBC = {{SWBOTBC}}      ! 0 = Equal to surface water concentration CDRAIN
                             ! 1 = Constant concentration CSEEP
                             ! 2 = Concentration as function of time

* In case of constant concentration (SWBOTBC = 1), specify:
  CSEEP = {{CSEEP}}          ! Solute concentration in surface water [0..100 mg/cm3, R]

* In case of SWBOTBC = 2, specify groundwater conc. CSEEPARR [0..100 mg/cm3, R] as function of date DATEC [date]:

* End of table


* If SWINCO = 1, list initial solute concentration CML [0..1000 mg/cm3, R] as function of soil depth ZC [-100000..0 cm, R]:

  {{ZC}} {{CML}}
* End of table

* If SWINCO = 2, list initial solute concentration CML [0..1000 mg/cm3, R] as function of soil depth ZC [-100000..0 cm, R]:

  {{ZC}} {{CML}}
* End of table


* Part 2: Miscellaneous parameters as function of soil depth

* Specify for each soil layer:
* LDIS   = Dispersion length [0..100 cm, R]
* KF     = Freundlich adsorption coefficient [0..1d4 cm3/mg, R]
* DECPOT = Potential decomposition rate [0..10 /d, R]
* FDEPTH = Reduction factor for decomposition [0..1 -, R]

* End of Table
  {{LDIS}} {{DECPOT}} {{FDEPTH}}
* End of Table

  {{LDIS}} {{KF}}
* End of Table
  {{LDIS}} {{KF}} {{DECPOT}} {{FDEPTH}}
* End of Table


* Part 3: Diffusion constant and solute uptake by roots

  DDIF = {{DDIF}}            ! Molecular diffusion coefficient [0..10 cm2/d, R]
  TSCF = {{TSCF}}            ! Relative uptake of solutes by roots [0..10 -, R]


* Part 4: Adsorption 

* Switch, consider solute adsorption
  SWSP = {{SWSP}}            ! 0 = no solute adsorption
                             ! 1 = simulation of solute adsorption

* In case of adsorption (SWSP = 1), specify:
  FREXP = {{FREXP}}          ! Freundlich exponent [0..10 -, R]
  CREF  = {{CREF}}           ! Reference solute concentration for adsorption [0..1000 mg/cm3, R]


* Part 5: Decomposition

* Switch, consider solute decomposition
  SWDC = {{SWDC}}            ! 0 = no solute decomposition
                             ! 1 = simulation of solute decomposition

* In case of solute decomposition (SWDC = 1), specify:
  GAMPAR = {{GAMPAR}}        ! Factor reduction decomposition due to temperature [0..0.5 /C, R]
  RTHETA = {{RTHETA}}        ! Minimum water content for potential decomposition [0..0.4 cm3/cm3, R]
  BEXP   = {{BEXP}}          ! Exponent in reduction decomposition due to dryness [0..2 -, R]


* Part 6: Solute residence time in the saturated zone

  SWBR = {{SWBR}}            ! Switch, consider mixed reservoir of saturated zone [Y=1, N=0]

* In case of mixed reservoir (SWBR = 1), specify:
  DAQUIF  = {{DAQUIF}}       ! Thickness saturated part of aquifer [0..10000 cm, R]
  POROS   = {{POROS}}        ! Porosity of aquifer [0..0.6 -, R]
  KFSAT   = {{KFSAT}}        ! Linear adsorption coefficient in aquifer [0..100 cm3/mg, R]
  DECSAT  = {{DECSAT}}       ! Decomposition rate in aquifer [0..10 /d, R]
  CDRAINI = {{CDRAINI}}      ! Initial solute concentration in groundwater [0..100 mg/cm3, R]


* End of the main input file .SWP!