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If you know a lot already about SWAP and pySWAP, jump straight to the installation, running the test case and setting up your own model.


pySWAP can be simply installed through pip. Creation of a separate virtual environment is recommended.

pip install pyswap

Run a test case

After installation, you can test if everthing is OK by running a testcase:

pyswap-py3.11vscode  /workspaces/pySWAP (dev) $ python
Python 3.11.11 (main, Dec  4 2024, 20:36:16) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pyswap import testcase
>>> hupselbrook = testcase.get("hupselbrook")
>>> result =
Warning from module Readswap : simulation with additonal Ksat value (Ksatexm)
>>> result.yearly_summary
             RAIN  IRRIG   INTERC  RUNOFF      EPOT      EACT  DRAINAGE  QBOTTOM         GWL      TPOT      TACT    DSTOR
2002-12-31  84.18    0.5  3.74188     0.0  33.10679  16.68715  22.11357      0.0 -1107.65824  38.71198  38.17328  3.96418
2003-12-31  71.98    0.0  2.05788     0.0  35.99241  17.17961  26.44815      0.0 -1154.37603  29.41787  29.21504 -2.92064
2004-12-31  80.55    0.0  4.91521     0.0  29.89227  17.88916  24.76607      0.0 -1036.76085  32.57266  32.56927  0.41030

Start your project with pyswap CLI tool

Turn on the exploration mode

You can play around with the model and result in the terminal, or go to the tutorial section for hands-on exercises or move on to the next page of the user guide.