If you know a lot already about SWAP and pySWAP, feel free to jump straight to the installation, running the test case and setting up your own model.
Currently the package is only distributed through GitHub (pip install pyswap
will come soon). To get pyswap up and running type:
Please note that it is necessary to use --recurse-submodule
flag to make sure that additional submodules in the library are also cloned along with pySWAP.
Once you are in the freshly cloned repo, type:
You can also install it in development mode in case you would like to make changes (and hopefully submit PRs):
Run a test case¶
To see if everything is working fine, open the Python shell and type:
>>> from pyswap import testcase
>>> hupsel = testcase.get('hupsel') # retrieves the hupsel model settings
>>> result = hupsel.run()
>>> print(result.summary)
You should get back the formatted string with water balance summary (here given just for one year):
* Project: pySWAP test - hupsel brook
* File content: detailed overview of water balance components (cm)
* File name: ./result.blc
* Model version: Swap 4.2.0
* Generated at: 2024-04-17 00:47:13
Period : 2002-01-01 until 2002-12-31
Depth soil profile : 200.00 cm
Initially Present 0.00 0.00 71.60 | Finally present 0.00 0.00 76.02
Gross Rainfall 84.03 |
Nett Rainfall 0.00 80.29 | Nett Rainfall 80.29
Gross Irrigation 0.50 |
Nett Irrigation 0.50 | Nett Irrigation 0.50
| Interception 3.74
Snowfall 0.00 |
Snowmelt 0.00 | Snowmelt 0.00
| Sublimation 0.00
SSDI 0.00 | Plant Transpiration 0.75
| Soil Evaporation 1.82
Runon 0.00 | Runoff 0.00
Inundation 0.00 |
Infiltr. Soil Surf. 80.46 | Infiltr. Soil Surf. 80.46
Exfiltr. Soil Surf. 1.49 | Exfiltr. Soil Surf. 1.49
Infiltr. subsurf. | Drainage
- system 1 0.00 | - system 1 73.79
Upward seepage 0.00 | Downward seepage 0.00
Sum 84.53 0.00 82.28 152.05 | Sum 84.53 0.00 82.28 152.05
Storage Change 0.00 0.00 4.43
Balance Deviation 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00