Main concepts¶
SWAP model settings¶
A SWAP model requires a number of input variables in several different files. Traditionally, those variables are groupped into distinct sections and section parts in the input file templates. Below is an example of the :
* Part 8: Snow and frost
* Switch, calculate snow accumulation and melt:
SWSNOW = {{SWSNOW}} ! 0 = no simulation of snow
! 1 = simulation of snow accumulation and melt
* If SWSNOW = 1, specify:
SNOWINCO = {{SNOWINCO}} ! Initial snow water equivalent [0..1000 cm, R]
TEPRRAIN = {{TEPRRAIN}} ! Temperature above which all precipitation is rain[ 0..10 oC, R]
TEPRSNOW = {{TEPRSNOW}} ! Temperature below which all precipitation is snow[-10..0 oC, R]
SNOWCOEF = {{SNOWCOEF}} ! Snowmelt calibration factor [0...10 -, R]
* Switch, in case of frost reduce soil water flow:
SWFROST = {{SWFROST}} ! 0 = no simulation of frost
! 1 = simulation of frost reduce soil water flow
* If SWFROST = 1, then specify soil temperature to start end end flux-reduction
TFROSTSTA = {{TFROSTSTA}} ! Soil temperature (oC) where reduction of water fluxes starts [-10.0,5.0, oC, R]
TFROSTEND = {{TFROSTEND}} ! Soil temperature (oC) where reduction of water fluxes ends [-10.0,5.0, oC, R]
pySWAP Generic classes¶
In pySWAP, the specific settings are groupped into generic classes. Each class, just like the section/section part, collects related settings together. An example of a class for snow and frost snow settings is presented below:
class SnowAndFrost(PySWAPBaseModel):
"""Snow and frost settings for the model.
swsnow (Literal[0, 1]): Switch for calculation of snow accumulation and melt.
swfrost (Literal[0, 1]): Switch, in case of frost reduce soil water flow
snowinco (Optional[float]): Initial snow water equivalent
teprrain (Optional[float]): Temperature above which all precipitation is rain
teprsnow (Optional[float]): Temperature below which all precipitation is snow
snowcoef (Optional[float]): Snowmelt calibration factor
tfroststa (Optional[float]): Soil temperature (oC) where reduction of water fluxes starts
tfrostend (Optional[float]): Soil temperature (oC) where reduction of water fluxes ends
swsnow: Literal[0, 1]
swfrost: Literal[0, 1]
snowinco: Optional[float] = None
teprrain: Optional[float] = None
teprsnow: Optional[float] = None
snowcoef: Optional[float] = None
tfrostst: Optional[float] = None
tfrostend: Optional[float] = None
Some classes have additional methods, but some just serve as "containers" for the variables. The purpose of that simple structure is mostly giving the model creation script a structure and validation.